Transferring contacts (BB->WP)

hey peter
you have a phew ways of doing this .

1. Save them to SIM , then IMPORT from SIM , on your WP.
2. find a way to send your contacts to your LIVE account ( from destop manager ) ( hotmail ro w/e linked to yoru WP)
3. go into a cell phone store they have a machine that soes it for you.

4. link a e-mail account that has all your contact in it.
U will miss ur BB so much.. I really tried for one week with the new Lumia and reverted back to my BB... Of course this is personal opinion and depends on your needs..
I just switched from a BB to the Titan myself. AT&T moved over my contacts but it was not pretty. Everything pretty much moved over and was slotted in an incorrect location. (Home numbers were placed in the Mobile number and the mobile number lost) All the business numbers I had showed up with just the number and no name - so I had to go through the BlackBerry and create a contact for them. I'm still sorting through them all!
I just switched from BB to WP7. I had been syncing my BB to my google account via Google Sync. I had to make some changes to the contacts when I started syncing the BB with google contacts (combining existing gmail contacts with phone contacts mostly) but I was able to do it via the web interface at so it was much easier than doing it on the phone.

When I switched to WP7 I just set up my gmail account and it automatically pulled in all my google contacts seamlessly. I didn't have to make any changes.

P.S. I like the way WP7 handles contacts and calendars from different accounts. It keeps them all separate behind the scenes but combines them into the same list. When I go into a contact I can see whether the contact is from my gmail account or from my live account.
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