Traveling to Asia next week


New member
Feb 9, 2011
What is the best way to utilize my WP?

I want to able to make some phone call & play Zune music & games.

I heard you can purchase a sim card once you are there...but what going to happen to my Zune music?

I have no clue....never use any of my phones outside the U.S. before.
Which phone do you have? Is it unlocked? When I travel outside the U.S. I get a local Pay as You Go SIM card. All you have to do is pop it in, once in a while you have to add an APN number for internet/data.
Which phone do you have? Is it unlocked? When I travel outside the U.S. I get a local Pay as You Go SIM card. All you have to do is pop it in, once in a while you have to add an APN number for internet/data.
I have a Samsung Focus. And no it's not that going to be a problem? Can I still access my Live account using a replacement paid sim card?
You're going to need to unlock it.

If you've had it for than 90 days, you should be able to just call AT&T and ask for an unlock code. I just did that yesterday since I'm going to be visiting Asia in a week.
I have a Samsung Focus. And no it's not that going to be a problem? Can I still access my Live account using a replacement paid sim card?

As Reflexx said, you need to call AT&T to get the unlock code. As long as you have a WiFi connection or internet/data on your SIM card you should be able to connect to your Live account.
Sound easy enough...i will give a call. Thanks!

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