Twitter notifications and Live Tiles


New member
Dec 17, 2011
Hi guys,
Need help on two issues.

My Lumia 800 is not showing me Twitter notifications. Only after I open the Me card and go to notifications, it updates. Technically it should show a new tweet notification in the Me card as a notification the moment someone tweets to me. This is not happening. Any help?

Also, the battery is an issue. Is there a way I can shut live tiles? I don't want the phone to get new social data every second. I just want it to send notifications the moment someone mentions me in a tweet or on facebook.
Hi guys,
Need help on two issues.

My Lumia 800 is not showing me Twitter notifications. Only after I open the Me card and go to notifications, it updates. Technically it should show a new tweet notification in the Me card as a notification the moment someone tweets to me. This is not happening. Any help?

Also, the battery is an issue. Is there a way I can shut live tiles? I don't want the phone to get new social data every second. I just want it to send notifications the moment someone mentions me in a tweet or on facebook.

unfortunately no the "Me" tile doesn't provide push notifications I believe the background agents call for updates from social networks every 15 minutes I believe. So the "Me" tile along with any other 3rd party app that doesn't allow for push notifications, can only run the background agents every 15 minutes and I believe that restriction is lifted however when the device is plugged into power. The live tiles can be shut down from within the apps settings menu, yes it is a pain to go through each and every app to shut it down but unfortunately that's the only way for now. If you just want to shut the background agents down rather than the live tile itself (as it is the background agents that waste power not really the live tile) you would go to "Settings > swipe right > Background Agents (should be the first option) > choose the apps you would like to shut down. The great thing is, it gives you the option to restart the agents the next time you run the app which is handy for the apps that you use often but want to temporarily shut down. Otherwise don't check the option and they will remain off until you turn them back on. Hope that helped :)
thanx for the help. Currently the issue is that I the Me live tile shows me instantly in anyone tags me on FB but completely misses out on the Twitter mentions. So, I have to open the tile swipe right to notifications and then it updates.

This is irritating me a lot. I want notifications (Twitter and FB) instantly like in Android or iPhone.
thanx for the help. Currently the issue is that I the Me live tile shows me instantly in anyone tags me on FB but completely misses out on the Twitter mentions. So, I have to open the tile swipe right to notifications and then it updates.

This is irritating me a lot. I want notifications (Twitter and FB) instantly like in Android or iPhone.

Well with Twitter you can have it text you.
thanx for the help. Currently the issue is that I the Me live tile shows me instantly in anyone tags me on FB but completely misses out on the Twitter mentions. So, I have to open the tile swipe right to notifications and then it updates.

This is irritating me a lot. I want notifications (Twitter and FB) instantly like in Android or iPhone.

well you have to understand what Microsoft is going after here... They want a smooth, stable OS that has a battery life with integrity, not the sorry excuse that Android has. Then you do have iOS with instant notifications but you need to realize something here... Both Android and iOS are using third party applications, the "Me" tile and "People Hub" are native, first-party services for social networking so they comply with what Microsoft wants them to. However nothing restricts third-party apps from being installed (just like on Android and iOS) to provide instant push notifications for you. If you truly are addicted to social networks (I know how that feels) and you absolutely need instant push notifications then the Facebook app provides those. As for Twitter, I don't know what the deal with Twiiter is but their app isn't the best Twitter app on WP7, there are however great suitable replacements for it. One of my favorites (before I stopped using Twitter) was Birdsong. I heard Rowi is also a good one. Many third-party Twitter apps are great and provide push notifications. As for when Windows Phone will get a better notifications system, along with push notifications from social networks is a good question, this platform is still relatively young and evolving ever so quickly one thing is for sure though Microsoft will probably be announcing details on the next update "Tango" either at CES '12 or MWC '12 which are both in January and February respectively. With any luck we might be getting something a bit better in the notifications department as this is an issue many many users and fans alike have (including me). Well hopefully that helped.

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