Ugh, this is just depressing...what's a Verizon/Windows Mobile user to do?


New member
Jul 19, 2011
I believe one of the latest HP Elite x3 articles mentioned no go on Verizon, at least at this point. If that's the case, what the heck are Verizon users supposed to do?

I had both of my sisters on Windows Phones for years. One left a few months ago and picked up whatever latest Android. The other left last week when the factory reconditioned Icon I had her using quit working after a month. I had her on the 822, the Lancet, the 928 (three, two of which went bad), and finally the Icon. When that quit I told her just to go into Verizon and get whatever they had. She lives 800 miles away and is not tech inclined at all and I was tired of keeping her on Windows from so far away for so long. Now she can just go to a local Verizon store to get support when she needs it.

But that leaves me wondering what I'm going to do. If her reconditioned Icon went bad, the reconditioned Icon I'm using could go bad. I have 2 928s (one I've which I've had to go in to and repair a broken headphone jack on already) to fall back on, as well as a relatively unused 735, and a Lancet, which I won't use. But I'm tired of falling back on 3 year old phones to keep me going.

We're running on fumes here... My wife has an iPhone 6S, but it's so boring to use. I really don't want an Android. But after too long, I may not really have much of a viable choice in the matter.

Aside from using a work issued Blackberry years and years ago (before the iPhone even existed) the only smart phone I've owned and wanted to own, is Windows Phone 7, 8, and 10. I've had the HTC Trophy, the Lumia(s) 822, 928, 735, and Icon. I've gone through multiple 928s. I'm hanging on by a thread here.
I've looked at switching carriers, but the cost to do so at this point just doesn't make sense. We have two tablets on contract for another 13 months (long, stupid story) and I can't convince the rest of my family members that its worth it to jump the Verizon ship and pay hundreds of dollars to move to AT&T so I can get a different phone, when they're all satisfied with where they are.
Can't move the entire family, so just port your one line over to another carrier which will work with your device of choice. Maybe one of the MVNOs or pay-as-you-go plans will work for what you need. There's no rule saying all your family's phones have to be on the same carrier.
I haven't looked at MVNOs, so that's an option to explore.

I did look into switching to AT&T (and T-Mobile, but word of mouth about their network in my area was not encouraging) by myself the cost was just not worth it. The data plan the rest of the family is on will increase per family member by removing me from the sharing and bringing a single line to AT&T means I'd have to foot a data plan by myself. I don't remember the numbers, but they were too high for my liking when I did price comparison at the release of the 950/XL.
My contract is up on Verizon and I am eventually going to pull the trigger and make the switch on carriers. However, in the mean time I decided (so I can get the latest AU Win 10 mobile) to pick up the 735. Nice little phone.

Sent from mTalk
I haven't looked at MVNOs, so that's an option to explore.

I did look into switching to AT&T (and T-Mobile, but word of mouth about their network in my area was not encouraging) by myself the cost was just not worth it. The data plan the rest of the family is on will increase per family member by removing me from the sharing and bringing a single line to AT&T means I'd have to foot a data plan by myself. I don't remember the numbers, but they were too high for my liking when I did price comparison at the release of the 950/XL.

How much data do you need? On an mvno you get data, not a data bucket. Right now I'm all about Cricket. AT&T towers. Traveled all over the western US last year and had no connectivity issues, even in those areas of the Rockies deemed as "Verizon only" land.

The power of Cricket though is bundling lines (they call it "group save"). If you can get the family to switch that would help you a lot.

Starting with the $40 a month plan and up, each line over the first saves you money. Cumulative money. I have 4 lines on Cricket, all the $40 basic. Each line gets its own data... 2.5GB each high speed. You are never cut off, just throttled if you go over. It is limited to 8mbps, but that's plenty fast for my needs.

So line 1 is $40, line 2 is $30, line 3 is $20 and line 4 is $10. Technically I qualify for a 5th line free, I just haven't needed it yet. 4 lines at $100 total each month. No fees or taxes added ever. $100 flat. Unlimited calls, SMS and MMS.

If you go it alone at first you can still shave off $5 every month with auto-pay. Add features too, like Deezer music or add a GB of data...

I hate the data bucket concept. With Cricket if a user or two needs more data, just bump them up a level or two: they have 5GB, 10GB and unlimited plans as well. If everyone moves to Cricket, I'm sure your family saves a bunch of money every month... If AT&T has good signal in your area it's worth a long look and crunching the numbers makes it really attractive.
Verizon Windows Phone users are an endangered species. :winktongue:

I had a Lumia 735 for a while and it was a nice device. My biggest gripe was the size and position of the power button. Especially with tap-to-wake, the power button was too easy to hit accidentally. Wireless charging was a sweet feature, and WP's bluetooth car connectivity with Cortana is the best in the industry. I got the 735 to hold me over until the Surface Phone, but now it's not even certain that Microsoft will even release it. And if they do release it, when??
We're in a similar "family" quagmire with Verizon. (Verizon doesn't provide Microsoft customers with new Microsoft phone options.)
That said, we are testing the networks of ATT and T-Mobile which use the more common GSM technology. We are testing them using prepaid, no-contract plans, month to month, for a few months, to see how the coverage and data speeds actually work. No harm done to try them out and spend $40 or $50 dollars per month, for a few months. It's money well spent, to learn the facts of the coverage and speed comparison of the carriers. Once proven, we can switch the family to the best, cheaper solution, where we can have new Windows Mobile phones. We'll purchase the phones out right. No contract trap for us any more.
Best Wishes.
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That's the best plan Kevin. No contract is the way to go. Then if someone needs the coverage of Verizon and doesn't care about Windows compatibility, but someone else doesn't need the coverage but wants Windows you can do it that way without spending a lot. That is what my wife and I do, she is using a Straighttalk-Verizon SIM in her iPhone, and I use Cricket in whatever phone I am carrying (W10M or iPhone). She can only get Verizon service where she works.
From all reports, the only carrier-branded Windows phone in the immediate future would be the Idol 4S on T-Mobile. With Windows, "immediate future" is a very relative term. That being said, if you're hellbent on staying with our cherished platform and not planning to leave Verizon, I recommend getting a Samsung Ativ SE. You can find mint condition devices on eBay for around $80 and there are plenty of guides in the forums to get W10M reliably on them.
From all reports, the only carrier-branded Windows phone in the immediate future would be the Idol 4S on T-Mobile. With Windows, "immediate future" is a very relative term. That being said, if you're hellbent on staying with our cherished platform and not planning to leave Verizon, I recommend getting a Samsung Ativ SE. You can find mint condition devices on eBay for around $80 and there are plenty of guides in the forums to get W10M reliably on them.

I really think we need to stop being a slave to "carrier-branded" phones. Just stop. Stop talking about them, stop buying, stop encouraging using them.
I really think we need to stop being a slave to "carrier-branded" phones. Just stop. Stop talking about them, stop buying, stop encouraging using them.
Normally I'd agree but the gentleman is on Verizon and currently there are no unlocked Windows phones that support Verizon's network. Outside of switching to an Android or iPhone, he's caught between the rock and the proverbial hard place.
Normally I'd agree but the gentleman is on Verizon and currently there are no unlocked Windows phones that support Verizon's network. Outside of switching to an Android or iPhone, he's caught between the rock and the proverbial hard place.

Respectively, I just reread all the prior comments in this string and as you might guess, I still advocate, not being trapped on Verizon, or any network, with a contract. Get out from under that trap. I still advocate, as I said before, honestly giving the other networks a real test try with no contract, month to month plans. Buy a cheap GSM Windows phone outright to try the GSM carrier options. You wouldn't cancel your Verizon account during the test, just forward your phone number from your Verizon phone to the test phone.
I honestly, really think, that people need to feel free to try the other carriers and find the real truth to coverage vs. the cost.
Then decide.
I think, I hope, that this will result in some people joining the rest of the whole world using GSM phones with a choice of network carriers. Sadly, some will prove that they truly are trapped on Verizon and currently have no "modern" Windows mobile option.
Best Wishes
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Same issue here. Got a 928, which I still consider to be the best Windows phone released (QA issues aside), 735, and just picked up an Icon recently. 735 is a great little phone, but no glance, and just an OK camera with no button don't quite do it for me. My 928 is refurb, and can't really do Win 10. Icon can do 10, but no glance. And if the Icon breaks.. What a shame...I am a loyal fan being driven away from the platform, holding onto 3 year old devices.
Same issue here. Got a 928, which I still consider to be the best Windows phone released (QA issues aside), 735, and just picked up an Icon recently. 735 is a great little phone, but no glance, and just an OK camera with no button don't quite do it for me. My 928 is refurb, and can't really do Win 10. Icon can do 10, but no glance. And if the Icon breaks.. What a shame...I am a loyal fan being driven away from the platform, holding onto 3 year old devices.
Don't give up.
The icon really is a great phone, and if you are stuck on Verizon, either that or the Ativ SE are good choices.
I just got a new "old" HTC One M8 on Amazon to replace my aging Lumia 735... I LOVE my new old HTC One M8 windows phone... would love a newer model from Verizon... but patiently waiting :)
had an icon n it was an amazing phone. used it as a fishing lure now have 928. looking to go back to icon. just wish Verizon n Microsoft would allow the 950 on network.
A lot of folks I know think the 950 and 950xl were nothing more than place holders until the surface phone which many think will work on all four major carriers. I hope that comes to fruition.
Buy an HP Elite X3 for Verizon. I just bought one at the Microsoft Store. A Verizon certified Windows Mobile phone is finally available.
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