Unable to play my sons games on XBox One


New member
Oct 21, 2011
So on the Xbox 360 my son and I would be able to play the same games, i.e. he would install a game like Halo, or download the new free game of the month, and we could all play them. Yesterday for his birthday he got the Xbox one Master Chief edition. He downloaded the games and installed them fine, and has been playing them. My problem is unlike the 360 when I try to play any of the Halo games it tells me I don't own them and there for can not play them. Is this for real, Microsoft expects each member of a house hold to buy the same games in order to play them? I own a PS4 and he has no problems playing any game I own a disk for or download. Have we set something up wrong, or is Microsoft really that greedy?
If he hoes into settings and sets it to his home Xbox, and then shares gold, there should be no problem.
Thanks for the reply. I don't see an option for setting the XBox to home or sharing gold can you break down where this is (looked in settings\system)
Ok, I found where to set the XBox as the home system, and can now play his Halo games which were downloaded. Still haven't found where to share Xbox gold
You should be sharing gold now. Hopefully he has added you to his family? In settings, then it is to the right.

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