Unable to upgrade from 8.1 to W10 TP?


New member
Jun 29, 2015
This one is killing me...as I've read positive things about latest TP I've decided to install it on my tablet, Asus T100TA.

First thing I noticed is there was no update available within windows itself, as it should offer me to update via windows updater, but its not there (yes, I am an insider I have it up and running on my phone). So I downloaded ISO and tried like that. It started and I can install W10 TP.

BUT I cant use the upgrade option within W10 setup. It says because I am trying to install W10 that is in different langauge than my current windows. My current windows's language was (as I've changed it) English UK with some language in my native (non-english) and I tried to install W10 TP in EN US. So I opened control panel and changed everything into english - US, everything, even my region, date, time, keyboard, even my location to United states. There were also app updates which I suspect is because of changing into US and they had to upgrade "something". I even removed some of the native speaking apps, uninstalled.

But still, I cant upgrade during W10 setup, still saying my current windows in different language. I really dont know what else to do as I really want to keep my current programs, settings, etc...any ideas?

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