[Universal] Ball GO - new free challenging mini game for Windows and Windows Mobile


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Oct 16, 2013
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Ball GO is my new free mini game for Windows, Windows Mobile and Android.

The game starts from the idea that you don't have dodge obstacles in order to make it there safe, but instead you will move obstacles so you can still go the path you're supposed to and safely be at goal. And of course, "you" here means you (the human one) and the balls. But don't worry, when you die in game you don't die in real life (but be warned, I've just tested in few people).

You may find the game is extremely difficult and impossible at first. But at some point you'll find it not so hard to score more than 100. And that's the point you can go out and hand the game to your friends (who hopefully never played before), challenge them or let them see how awesome your skill is. That's because most people who play this game for the first time of their life think this is another kind of game where designers make it crazy hard that it's impossible to pass the score of 10. This game is designed so it makes you think so at first and then so you the true you, the awesome one.

OK, too much talk, let's have a glance at gameplay, notice I played this game just using mouse (of course, I'm the creator, I'm much much much more awesome than you):
and if you're interested in proving I'm wrong, here the link, take it:
Windows store: https://forums.windowscentral.com/e...e%2Fp%2Fball-go%2F9nblggh4t242&token=6hQklyZZ
Google Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FVS.BallGO.GO

P/s: and there goes some screenshots:
screenshot (1).jpgscreenshot (2).jpgscreenshot (3).jpgscreenshot (5).jpg
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