Update Confusion


New member
Nov 28, 2013
So...what is the deal with all the updates?? There's WP 8.1 Update 1, and Denim, and now apparently Windows 10 on the horizon. I have a Lumia 925, and I live and work in China. It's looking more and more like 10 will be available before I even have the chance to get Update 1, or Denim (or are these two updates one in the same??)

Could somebody clear this up for me??

Cheers :)
Denim is the name for Update 1 for lumias so they are the same :)
And I think ur not on pfd? Of that's the case then W10 won't come to ur phone at least till late Q2 this year.
So...what is the deal with all the updates?? There's WP 8.1 Update 1, and Denim, and now apparently Windows 10 on the horizon. I have a Lumia 925, and I live and work in China. It's looking more and more like 10 will be available before I even have the chance to get Update 1, or Denim (or are these two updates one in the same??)

Denim and Update 1 (GDR1) are two separate updates, installed at the same time.
Denim is the firmware update to Lumia phones, though Denim's features are more for higher-end phones that include PureView (ie. 4K video), for your phone you're unlikely to see much difference.
However, Update 1 (GDR1) is a big OS update for ALL Windows Phones, which gives access to Cortana for more regions (beta in the UK & China, and alpha in Canada, India & Australia), also Live Folders, and many other tweaks and features (that I've forgotten).
Even though they are separate updates, MS made it compulsory for Update 1 to be installed with Denim (unless you signed up to Preview for Developers - then you've had GDR1 for some time).
The reason for the time delay, is that firmware updates (Denim) have to be approved by every carrier, so each phone needs to be tested for each carrier. Hopefully rollout will be complete within the next couple months.

As for Win10, a beta (insider) version will be released next month, however it's not officially out until Autumn (fall).

Hope this clears up your confusion.


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