Updated Lumia 520 (India) to denim but Cortana not working with Indian voice.

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WPCentral Question

Updated my lumia 520 to denim via OTA last night. it now includes cortana (beta version) by default. But with my region set to India and language Indian English cortana comes up with a message saying "I'm afraid I'm not available to help in your region with the language you have chosen"

Setting the speech language to UK English get's Cortana working however the build becomes alpha from beta.

Is there anyone who got cortana working without changing region setting to US or Speech to UK?
Not yet. Microsoft has not enabled Cortana to speak in an Indian voice YET. So don't worry about it. If your region is India, you can only set your Speech to UK and have a British Cortana, I'm afraid.
You should to set speech to United Kindom to enable Cortana(alpha) in India.

In Settings Settings icon > Region, make sure that Country/Region is set to the correct country/region for your locale:

In Settings Settings icon > Speech, set Speech language to the following settings for your locale:
?For Australia, English (United Kingdom)
?For Canada, English (United States)
?For India, English (United Kingdom)

Reffer : http://www.windowsphone.com/en-IN/how-to/wp8/cortana/cortana-alpha

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