I'm a software engineer and I work for a European carrier. I know. I've been explaining this for a few years now, since before it was widely understood on the web. :wink: I get what you were trying to say now. I don't think invoking iTunes is the best way to explain WP's update distribution situation. I think it's misleading as it suggests we're dealing with a technical/software problem. However, I'm also sure there is more than just one valid opinion about which explanations work best.
Lets just agree to disagree then. I'll grant you that it's not a cut and dry issue however, because we lack a universally accepted definition for what being "the same" means.
As previously stated, W10 mobile is a fully contained subset of W10. That's why finding phone specific APIs in the W10 TP is to be expected. That's just not even close to a good justification for calling them "the same". OS/2 replicated the entire API surface of Win16, so they too had the same APIs, but nobody would have agreed that OS/2 and Windows were the same OS. I'm not claiming that to be a perfect analogy for this situation. It's only intended to make it clear that supporting the same APIs isn't enough. That's the point. If you still disagree, then just consider the Win32 API. That's a huge collection of features and functionality which W10 supports, but W10 mobile
will not. If we were to draw two circles representing the API surface supported by both OSes, it would look something like this:
View attachment 87030
That those circles are not even close to fully overlapping should be a very clear hint that these two OSes are not one and the same.
In my opinion, calling two OSes "the same" absolutely requires that both run the same software! That includes the millions of software packages that most associate with the name "Windows", which W10 mobile won't run! There are quite a few other things W10 mobile won't do, which I've mentioned elsewhere, but this is the only thing MS has so far publicly confirmed. The casual tech media continually suggesting these are one and the same OS leads to a lot of confusion. That is evidenced by many of the questions on this forum (how well will my W10 phone run desktop software? will W10 run on computers with 512 MB? etc etc etc). I think that makes it clear that there is value in being more accurate and technically truthful. That is why I'm not willing to ignore the differences, adopt the majority opinion, or chime in with some of the tech press (who for the most part are just parroting MS' marketing materials).