Upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 10
Hi, I'm new here. I just posted in "ask a question" but unfortunately I couldnt figure out how to reply to an answer which user AV2RY provided. Ill copy my question and his answer below.
Hi, I've sent an email to microsoft a few times but I wasnt able to get a satisfactory answer so I'm hoping that I will be able to get a better answer here.
My Laptop is a Toshiba Protege 700, around 4 years old. My windows 7 is genuine, I have activated the windows as well and its been certified as authentic Windows.
My question is I never get the button to upgrade to windows 10 like I did in my other computer. Is there a step which I should do in order to get the upgrade option? I dont remember doing anything different with my other computer though. Without the "upgrade to windows 10" button, will I still be able to upgrade?
I will be thankful for any inputs.
This is his answer
Update your laptop, I think GWX is under recommended* updates
*or something like that
I've gone to windows update but I do not have any update outstanding, important, optional, or recommended. Does anyone know how I might be able to do this manually? I tried to look for GWX under windows explorer as well but I also couldnt find the file.
Hi, I'm new here. I just posted in "ask a question" but unfortunately I couldnt figure out how to reply to an answer which user AV2RY provided. Ill copy my question and his answer below.
Hi, I've sent an email to microsoft a few times but I wasnt able to get a satisfactory answer so I'm hoping that I will be able to get a better answer here.
My Laptop is a Toshiba Protege 700, around 4 years old. My windows 7 is genuine, I have activated the windows as well and its been certified as authentic Windows.
My question is I never get the button to upgrade to windows 10 like I did in my other computer. Is there a step which I should do in order to get the upgrade option? I dont remember doing anything different with my other computer though. Without the "upgrade to windows 10" button, will I still be able to upgrade?
I will be thankful for any inputs.
This is his answer
Update your laptop, I think GWX is under recommended* updates
*or something like that
I've gone to windows update but I do not have any update outstanding, important, optional, or recommended. Does anyone know how I might be able to do this manually? I tried to look for GWX under windows explorer as well but I also couldnt find the file.