Item Description: I have a Nokia Lumia 928 I am wanting to sell.
Price: $130 shipped
Carrier Locked or Unlocked?: Verizon
Condition: In really good condition, faint scratch on screen, cannot notice it with screen protector on
Includes: 1 blue qi wireless charging base, 1 blue silicon case, 6 screen protectors
Item Location: Knoxville TN
Shipping Details: USPS Priority
Payment Options: Paypal
Additional Info: Possible trade for other phones (must be on VZW network) or windows 8.1 tablet.
Contact Info - Please PM or post below
Price: $130 shipped
Carrier Locked or Unlocked?: Verizon
Condition: In really good condition, faint scratch on screen, cannot notice it with screen protector on
Includes: 1 blue qi wireless charging base, 1 blue silicon case, 6 screen protectors
Item Location: Knoxville TN
Shipping Details: USPS Priority
Payment Options: Paypal
Additional Info: Possible trade for other phones (must be on VZW network) or windows 8.1 tablet.
Contact Info - Please PM or post below