Voice Command is AWESOME!


New member
Nov 30, 2011
So I know I read about Voice Command when I got my WP7 phone a few weeks ago, but never got a round to figuring it out.

So today I Texted my wife from a store and she replied while I was driving my car which has a bluetooth connection. Imagine my surprize when I hear "Message from ** (My wife)". "You can say Read Message or Ignore"... So I say "read message" and it reads it to me.

OK, that's nice. Then it says" "You can: Reply to **, Call **, or End". So I say Reply and it asks me to "Say your message"..... And finally I can say "Send" and off my text message went!

My wife responds and I reply once again, all by Voice command which is prompting me for each step and doing a really good job of translating what I'm saying into text!

Yeah, I'm loving this OS on this device!:D
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but my phone always thinks I'm saying disgusting things. Just last night, I was texting to my ex-wife, and I said, "between 6:30 and 6:50." I can't even tell you the filth my phone thought I said without getting banned from this forum. I honestly don't know what to do about it except stop using that feature.
It's such a cool feature. I've shown it to friends who have... Android (anyone surprised), and I get the formulaic, "Oh! My phone can do that." To which I reply, well, OK my second phone is an Android. Can you show me how because when I try Android never properly understands what I tell it to do. Plus it's not 100% (can I capitalize that somehow?) hands-free. To which they usually say something like, "well I've never actually tried, but I know it can do it." -- Whatever!

Yes I know there's vlingo (an app of course. Isn't anything on Android integrated?). I've tried it. It never knows what I'm asking it. Voice command on android totally sucks. On the other hand, dictation on android is actually a tad better than on WP7. It's about as accurate as WP7's TellMe, def more accurate than Android voice command, and it allows me to speak punctuation marks, and use foul language without inserting '****' instead.

I have no doubt that WP7's voice command and dictations features will improve.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but my phone always thinks I'm saying disgusting things. Just last night, I was texting to my ex-wife, and I said, "between 6:30 and 6:50." I can't even tell you the filth my phone thought I said without getting banned from this forum. I honestly don't know what to do about it except stop using that feature.

It thought you said #@&! %^$#?
I said, "between 6:30 and 6:50," and it thought I said, "eat d!@k you dirty b!#@h." This is not an isolated incident. My phone does this on a regular basis.

Sounds like your phone hates your wife. Has Tell Me become self aware?
Boy, sure am sorry I started this thread. Trolls sure do ruin a good forum...:mad:
I said, "between 6:30 and 6:50," and it thought I said, "eat d!@k you dirty b!#@h." This is not an isolated incident. My phone does this on a regular basis.

I have the solution.

Quit calling your ex-wife! ;)
Read incoming texts?

I had my phone read to me that a text had come in one time when I first got it, but since then it does not tell me when new texts come in. I have the setting to read new texts when connected by bluetooth, and when I'm in my car I almost always have the phone paired to my handsfree device.

The only thing I can think of is that I am also usually streaming music from my phone through that bluetooth handsfree device. Has anyone else seen that they don't get the alerts of new text messages when they are streaming music?
I agree - I LOVE this feature about Windows Phone. The only thing I've noticed - the further away from your bluetooth microphone you are, the harder it is for the phone to understand you. In my car I've got one of those bluetooth devices that plugs into the cigarette lighter and I had to adjust it closer so it could actually understand me.
I agree - I LOVE this feature about Windows Phone. The only thing I've noticed - the further away from your bluetooth microphone you are, the harder it is for the phone to understand you. In my car I've got one of those bluetooth devices that plugs into the cigarette lighter and I had to adjust it closer so it could actually understand me.

I thought about that. To be honest, I don't even know where the microphone is. It's time to get out the manual for my car.

I want TellMe to work for me. It would be a really cool feature to use. I've used it without Bluetooth or headset with similar results. I'm no mush mouth either.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but my phone always thinks I'm saying disgusting things. Just last night, I was texting to my ex-wife, and I said, "between 6:30 and 6:50." I can't even tell you the filth my phone thought I said without getting banned from this forum. I honestly don't know what to do about it except stop using that feature.
At least it's to your ex-wife and not your wife, LOL!

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