W10M - Install Local Apps in Windows Phone 10?


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Dec 21, 2015
W10M - Install Local Apps in Windows Phone 10

How to install local apps in Windows Mobile 10 from Phone or SD like on 8.1.
Using 8.1 was easy, just copy/download .xap, .appx and install from Store, but on W10M there is no such a thing like "install local apps" in Store. From File Manager, clicking files does not install, on some apps, it says when clicked, "do you want to install (something)" using Yes, does nothing.
Have you gone into the settings and turned the option on to allow side-loading of apps? (Or enable developer mode.)

I have installed apps this way, notably the HERE applications on my 950 and 950XL.
Still, could not install anything, it goes into installation process, screen blacks out, few seconds go by, screen goes back up, no messages, no installations done.
Goto setting--> click update --> click for developers and in that u have to choose developer mode... Thats all. Now try again.
NB: Only the .appx file can install in wp 10.. None other extension will not work. I have tried it... So only download .appx file or .appx bundle.
After clicking the app, it will show a install icon click install. After that the screen will be blackout or exit. Wait for sometime. If nothing happening. Rename the file and try again.
I know, i'am in developers mode. Will try renaming method. Sad .xap does not work anymore.

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