- Oct 14, 2011
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This is one of the things that really really annoys me in w10m. I'm constantly losing conversations with friends because of this, so many times i don't have a any notification or any status on my 'live tiles' and yet I open the messenger app ou the sms app and I had received some msg/sms. Is this a problem of the app or OS it self? Some times even after a soft reset the problem remains. If w10m as we know it is going to die is a shame that il will die without ever had a 100% funcional notifications. If w10m will be replaced any time for W10 the problem remains because my windows 10 have the same problem. Is that hard to Microsoft solve this? Now i know a can't really rely on the notifications so ha have to check my self from time to time. I don't wanna change to Android oe IOS, i love the w10m interface, that home screen is still miles ahead of what android and IOS offer, i gonna hold my 950 xl as long as i can, but seeing no plan for consumer market from MS makes me sad.
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