Want to know future of Windows Phone?


New member
Dec 18, 2014
want to know future of Windows Phone ??

in say, 2 - 3 years time we can see windows services which will be very much similar to google services, which will have office and other services and there might not be any more windows phones in the near future, you might find a lot of "windows services" replacing google services providing better services sans virus and malware

the following might be part of "Windows Services"

Xbox games
some payment services like paytm
search tools (bing)
windows store

what do you think ?? buzz of below
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Active member
Jan 12, 2013
Re: want to know future of Windows Phone ??

That's an interesting forecast, but perhaps Windows services will not really "replace" Google services. It's hard to bring down something which a lot of users have already been used to (though ironically the basic layout of, for example, Google Docs looks like it was based on the very familiar layout of Microsoft Office Word!)... unless the forecast includes a major bankruptcy somewhere for a certain tech giant.:devil:

I'd beg to differ with regards to not having new windows phones anymore. Technology, as it is now, is rapidly being developed; it's a steep uphill a lot of us seem to be hooked, fervent and desperate to climb. New hardware, new codes, better semiconductor etching processes (Quantum computers are also already being developed) and better manufacturing processes will be developed. Hence, new phones (and other electronic devices in general) will be developed, produced and then sold. Unless a sudden mass extinction of homo sapiens occurs, it would be a bad move for Microsoft to stop producing new phones.:angel:

I think there would be a balance in the techno-ecology (or whatever it is called) among the technology giants. There will be those who prefer the user experience provided by, for example, Microsoft, while there will be those who prefer the hospitable service of, for example again, Apple. Besides, it's a common strategy for business gurus to have shares of stocks in their "rival" companies... hence, there is after all no real rivalry among them, but rather some form of extinction-proof symbiosis.:cool:


New member
Dec 18, 2014
Re: want to know future of Windows Phone ??

That's an interesting forecast, but perhaps Windows services will not really "replace" Google services. It's hard to bring down something which a lot of users have already been used to (though ironically the basic layout of, for example, Google Docs looks like it was based on the very familiar layout of Microsoft Office Word!)... unless the forecast includes a major bankruptcy somewhere for a certain tech giant.:devil:

i doubt that what you said because in the recent past there was news about Microsoft investing fairly in cyanogenMod
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New member
Jun 11, 2013
Re: want to know future of Windows Phone ??

windows phone is no more, its windows 10 from now on, and it wants to invade every screen or smart hardware you might have, so in the future i hope i can install w10 on whatever phone i want, i wonder why ms wont let this happen, w10 will spread like mad among people with cheap droids begging for a decent experience

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