Weird Onedrive error on W10. Can't access files on Synced folder when offline?

cicero goncalves

New member
Nov 29, 2013
Weird Onedrive error on W10. Can't access files on Synced folder when offline.

Hello everyone, I am having a weird issue with OneDrive. I have gone thru the update and selected the folders to sync (god, I miss the place holders). Now every time I'm offline I try to access a file in those folders I get a error "File system error (-2143326205) ". I have the checked if the folders are up to date and all files are downloaded and they are. I am able to access the files if I'm online. Anyone else having this issue?

I should also mention that I am using a SP3 i3 and I have my OneDrive folder in on my SD card mounted into a NTFS folder on C:
I have the same issue with all of the documents on my hard drive. I do not even use OneDrive. I never logged in to the damn thing. And I still get excalty the same error! It sounds like they are spying on us and some bug happens when I try to work offline. Very annoyign in an airplain for example, if I can not read my PDFs.

Also SP3 i3, no OneDrive, SD card mounted NTFS at C - all standard as shipped.

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