Welcome to the new Windows Central forums!


Community Manager
Staff member
Nov 7, 2014

Welcome to the all-new Windows Central Forums! - We're still moving some things around, so you may see a few quirks here and there, but we're working on getting things fully completed as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you run into any major bugs (or just have questions) we'd appreciate it greatly if you could report them here! Here's a short list of things you may run into while we're still moving things around:

  • My password no longer works - While we were able to move users from the Passport login system, there are a few instances where you may have to reset your password. Those instances include if you were using single sign on from Facebook, Google, or a Microsoft. In that case, you can request a password reset. Remember, check your spam to see if you don't see an email from us.
  • My Avatar is not showing correctly / no longer showing - This was the very last item on the list of things we needed to do in order to move to our new forums, and it's a long process, so chances are it's still being processed for you. It will automagically appear when completed, so please wait 24 - 48 hrs before changing it yourself. Otherwise, what ever you upload might get replaced with what you had previously.
  • I can't seem to post in X forum! - While we went to great lengths to make sure this wouldn't be a problem, it's still worth mentioning that there is a very small possibility this could occur. If that seems to be the case, you all can send me a message briefly explaining the issue and we'll get you sorted ASAP!
  • The white is ghastly, is there dark mode? - Yes, there is. In the lower right hand corner where it says Windows Central, click/tap on that and choose "Windows Central Dark". Alternatively, you can change it here or you can change it in your profile here if it's not showing at the bottom (it's responisve so smaller displays may not show it)
  • I want to create a Poll but I can't - This will be fixed ASAP, it's just one of those little things where we still need to flip some switches.
These are the most likely issues that will occur, should you run into something not covered by this list, you can let us know in this thread or you can send me a message on here. Should none of those options be available, please reach out to community@futurenet.com and let us know what's going on so we can take a closer look for you!

With all of that covered, we truly hope you dig the newer, faster, and improved features offered by the forum. It was a long time coming and needed. Over the next little while we'll be getting some guides together on how to use the new forums and make the most of the features it offers but for now, take some time, look around and get yourself acquainted. We genuinely appreciate you being here and thank you for your patience through all of this!

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