Chintan Gohel what are you doing in computer line when you don't know what This PC is������������������������
I'm not in a computer related field actually - but in electrical engineering
I just happen to be passionate about technology, especially MS related
So when you ask when major updates for This PC, I'm assuming you're talking about the OS.
The update process is kind of like this:
The main OS gets major updates every 6 months or so - this is for windows 10. The last major update was called the creators update and it was released around March-April this year. It brought more support for creative works such as better pen support, deeper Cortana integration, paint 3d app, and a lot more. Major updates usually bring in new features and capabilities
Then we have the minor updates, these usually happen every month and they fix any minor issues that crop up as people keep using their pcs. These minor updates are called patches and they also keep your pc more secure. As new viruses, vulnerabilities are discovered, MS releases new patch updates to plug those issues.
Now your particular issue is with scrolling, especially when you say:
everyone knows that scrolling sucks in this pc even if you have Microsoft's precision touchpad
I'm not sure what this scrolling issue is that you've talked about since I haven't experienced it while using dozens of different pcs, laptops, surface devices, etc. Can you specify what the deficiency is?
Dies the screen move in a rough manner when you scroll? Or does your device not have 2 finger scrolling? Or is the sensitivity too high where just a little scroll makes the pages scroll a lot?