Hi there! Here's a fun thread to post on. What are you viewing while logged on to WC. Here's what I view when I log on. I check today's post. Then I Check "Ask A Question" and "Windows 10". If I see a thread that I think I might have a solution for, I reply to that thread. After that I click on Stream and watch for any new posts. I usually watch to see if any one has replied to one of the threads I replied on. I spend way to much time here on WC, but I enjoy learning and helping. Going to hang around as long as I'm welcomed.:wink: I like team work. If you have a suggestion for a issue where I'm replying, please join me. Two heads are always better then one!:smile:
PS Some times I start a thread like this one and see if I get any replies!:wink: Going to have a nap now. Will check back latter for replies. LMAO!
PS Some times I start a thread like this one and see if I get any replies!:wink: Going to have a nap now. Will check back latter for replies. LMAO!