What are your favorite Xbox Backwards Compatible games? (And which ones are still missing?)

Jez Corden

Staff member
Jan 29, 2013
Xbox backwards compatibility is awesome, but there are still quite a few games missing from the list, which do you want to see?

I'd like to see some more OG Xbox back compat games on there, like MechAssault and Call of Cthulhu, and I was pretty happy when the entire Mass Effect series dropped on there. :cool:
We use this compatibility game the most:

Joy Ride Turbo - perfect for young kids and cheap.
Xbox backwards compatibility is awesome, but there are still quite a few games missing from the list, which do you want to see?

I'd like to see some more OG Xbox back compat games on there, like MechAssault and Call of Cthulhu, and I was pretty happy when the entire Mass Effect series dropped on there. :cool:
TS3, Bolt, Cars Mater National, TRON Evolution, Brave. I know they won't, because of hardware, but the original Disney Infinity would be nice. As far as original Xbox, Disney's Haunted Mansion, Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure.
Xbox backwards compatibility is awesome, but there are still quite a few games missing from the list, which do you want to see?

I'd like to see some more OG Xbox back compat games on there, like MechAssault and Call of Cthulhu, and I was pretty happy when the entire Mass Effect series dropped on there. :cool:

XCOM: Enemy Unknown my personal fav for introducing me to the world of XCOM as a GwG. Others are GTA4, Gears of War 2.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game, one of a kind, rare genre these days, fun gags, fun to play with friends.
For Xbox 360 games, I would like a Ridge Racer game (I think it's Ridge Racer 6) and also the original Test Drive Unlimited. For the original Xbox, Project Gotham Racing (first one), Rallisport Challenge (1 & 2) and Jet Set Radio Future would be very nice, as would Burnout 2.
For me they need to bring back all the Splinter Cell series, Conviction is not enough for me, that was my main reason for getting the Xbox One X after my 360 died. Also Tales of Vesperia would be nice too it was the Best RPG.

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