What causes all the issues, Windows 10 Mobile or the Developers?


New member
Jan 19, 2012
90% of the apps run like crap on Windows 10 Mobile. Facebook takes eons to open, Castle Siege needs to be opened at least twice for it to work, Plex is a complete mess, MyTube video play speed shoots all over the place, etc. So my question is, is the OS just such utter crap that nothing can run smooth on it or do the developers just not know what they are doing? Every time I have these issues I wonder wether to contact the developer because they need to do some major fixings on their end or if that's a waste of time because the OS is the real issue. Does anyone that HONESTLY knows able to give me an explanation of what really is behind all these issues?
Great question.
I'm not sure because I use a decent number of apps that run great like GroupMe, Realarm, mTalk, Vime, and AudioCloud. As you said, some apps do run slow and/or work poorly. The idea of Spoticast is great but it has more hiccups than I would like, but on the flip side, Spotify can be quite slow on phones outside of the flagships.
90% of the apps run like crap on Windows 10 Mobile. Facebook takes eons to open, Castle Siege needs to be opened at least twice for it to work, Plex is a complete mess, MyTube video play speed shoots all over the place, etc. So my question is, is the OS just such utter crap that nothing can run smooth on it or do the developers just not know what they are doing? Every time I have these issues I wonder wether to contact the developer because they need to do some major fixings on their end or if that's a waste of time because the OS is the real issue. Does anyone that HONESTLY knows able to give me an explanation of what really is behind all these issues?

I would think it would be app dependent, or all apps would run poorly and most do not.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Well it could be the optimisation, it could be just the loading time to fetch info from internet or your device's storage. Windows 10 Mobile apps are mostly universal apps and those need to be coded to be useful on desktop too. It is not exactly that simple, because developers in most cases still need to run totally different code for mobile.

I don't blame the developers because they may lack motivation for developing the mobile side of the app as there are not a lot of us using it if we're realistic. I love UWP apps but to me they look some kind of limited compared to Android or iOS apps. I however believe in MS's vision and I hope they will bring up something new on the Build conference.

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