What has microsoft done for you in 2015?


New member
Mar 4, 2014
I thank Microsoft! Gave me a nice experience with my 2.5yr old 1320! Additionally the surface book! I have to go out on a limb and say if I could afford it I would get it! That brings me to what I hold for 2016 from Microsoft. If they maintain the same product lie in regards to the surface line albeit a price cut. I would love to see a surface book in the 399-499 price range with an i3-i5 chipset. Phone wise, a successor to 1320 & 1520 bearing the pricing range of 250-459. (All prices in Euros)

I've moved your thread to the Microsoft News forum, since this is not a time sensitive request for help with a device.
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They gave me along with others the experience of Windows 10 "As A Service" without to many problems. Since Windows 3 it has been one experience after another, learning along the way they can give us the experience of some some rubbish. Hey! who said that life was perfect.
All they need to do now is sort out Windows phone. :wink:
To be straight, not a lot. I replaced my 820 with a 640. Very good phone, but not the mid-range i was looking for. Still looking for W10 on my 820, which is now a 640. 925 is more than i need for the money i want to spend (250$/$300). W10 is fine but it only would install one one of my three desktops. Even thought all three were running 8.1. 2016 has got to be better.
Sorry, thats 950, not 925. My wife has a 925. One of the best phones they evrr made.
Great platform support in 2015 by bring all its apps and software to the iPhone (and Android) which has allowed me to move to a iPhone 6s+ and get important apps that WP didn't have. In this, MS is supporting their users in a way Apple and Google refuse to do. Win10 on my desktop is a winner. Stable and very functional. And then there is my Surface tablet -- it's a gem.
It made me switch to Android/Sony. Tired of waiting for features and functionalities eventually never come.
Gave me the Lumia 950, Continuum, and access to a course by Bob tabor that teaches me how to develop apps for Windows 10 universal.
denied me a legitimate refund/replacement for a two month old band v1 that had come apart with very light use, not fit for purpose. it's literally criminal their customer service / lack of. they deserve to go out of business on the hardware front.
Started the year by getting the awesome Surface Pro 3 and recently a total ecosystem with my purchase of the amazing 950xl and the Band 2, Continuum so i don't have to always carry my Surface for 24/7 support and finally One Windows One App which personally I believe will eventually be a great success.
Killed my whole-home entertainment set up when they discontinued Windows Media Center.
Microsoft taught me the power of OneDrive. Between my two desktops, tablet, and multiple phones, it's become a huge hassle to sync files from device to another. Add to that the multiple times I've had to hard reset my desktops and phones (though the resets were by choice). I realized it's much easier to sync everything to OneDrive. Now my files are synced to the cloud and are available on whatever device I'm using.
I am still looking for a replacement. So many options yet nothing is as simple or works as well as WMC.

Agreed. Which is why I may not upgrade my HTPC to W10. I will be installing MediaPortal along side WMC and if I can get it working in an acceptable manner I may upgrade. Installation, configuration and getting the epg working on MP looks a bit daunting.
I can't really say I that MS has done anything for me. It really should be what I have done or MS in 2015.
For me, they have made me want to switch to Linux, unfortunately they have me by the nuts for business compatibility. I value privacy and W10 is like a lighthouse sending data outside to Microsoft who decline to comment on how much, what is collected and also what is done with that data, today and in future. They have ripped the carpet from under my feet in regards to Onedrive (offering 'unlimited'to capping it) W10 Mobile is quite frankly begining to be a joke...I have waited 2 yearsfor MS to get its crap together, thanks to them I am now platform agnostic for mobile...next phone will be Blackphone 2 from Silent Circle - i just want to get on with things and be as secure as possible...in a nutshell MS have slightly irked and alienated me.

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Much of the same as they did last year, made my life and job much easier by using the Surface Pro, OneNote and Excel - those are just my top three.

Something new would be finally giving me the best phone I've ever owned (Lumia 950) after giving me one of the worst I've ever owned (Lumia 830); hours of enjoyment with a new Halo game on my Xbox One; and a few extra dollars from apps I've sold in the Windows Store.

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