What is Error code: 0xC1800103-0x90002 and why did I get it ?

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I got the following error Msg when trying to install the latest W10 version to my USD Drive. "We?re not sure what happened, but we?re unable to run this tool on your PC. If you continue to experience problems, reference the error code when contacting customer service. Error code: 0xC1800103-0x90002."
I'm not trying to upgrade. I've opted for the clean install. I wish people would read questions and answer accordingly. I've tried twice now to perform the download of the ISO file after selecting the CLEAN INSTALL option, not the UPGRADE option. Does it make a difference in terms of what you select? Hell I don't know, but when troubleshooting one should do so knowing all the details.

A previous forum suggested deleting all the files inside of C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download - I've done this and performed a new ISO download, got the same error again - OxC1800103-0X90002

Any ideas?
My experience shows that Microsoft doesn't intend the upgrade to be free. I have spent more than 48 hours and valuable data trying the upgrade on my two devices only to be frustrated with this error code. Microsoft should just name it's price for the software and make it available for free purchase. This time Microsoft is not playing fair.

I needed the ISO file so I could recover a Windows 10 Pro system that was malfunctioning after getting >100 malwares. I tried using the MediaCreationTool.exe and the RefreshWindowsTool.exe. Both failed with this error code. I tried everything under the sun to get this error fixed: different computers, under different networks, under different types of Windows 10 licenses, after clean boots, after booting into safe mode, after deleting content from C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download as recommended by others, etc... Nothing solved this issue.

Microsoft stopped providing direct access to ISO files for Windows users (Microsoft's webpage automatically detects your system). The site forces you to use these tools listed above. As always, once the tool does not work, Microsoft does not provide a solution to end user. Luckily, Microsoft has not developed similar tools for Android or Linux devices, so YOU JUST HAVE TO VISIT THE SAME WEBPAGE USING A NON-WINDOWS SYSTEM TO GET ACCESS TO DIRECT DOWNLOAD TO THE ISO FILE!

Here are the steps that I did to "refresh" my half-broken Win10. I also works for a new full install (as long as it is used in a computer with Windows 10 already installed and registered):
• Accessed https://forums.windowscentral.com/e...Fsoftware-download%2Fwindows10&token=2-4kaARd from an Android system (TV box in my case, so I could copy the ISO file into a 16Gb thumb drive using its USB port, but a cell phone would work as well)
• Selected the system edition (options were Windows 10, Windows 10 N, and Windows 10 Single Language)
• Selected product language
• BINGO! Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions were available for download from links that expire within 24 hours.
• Transferred the ISO file to the computer.
• Copied the same ISO back the same thumb drive using Rufus 2.12 so it could boot from the USB drive. (no necessary if you want to "refresh" the system, but I was afraid I had to do a fresh install, since system was hanging for >5 minutes every time)
• Ran "Setup.exe" from the thumb drive and followed the prompts.
• Done! Windows is back to normal, and no personal file, software or customization was lost.

Because I spent >12 hours trying to find a solution to this issue, I hope this helps! It is annoying to see that people has sought solution for this problem for over a year and Microsoft has not resolved it.
Thanks a LOT!
Their tool is broken because I used it a lot before and never had an issue.

What I did is went to the download page on my phone, chose my Win10 version, my language and then copy/pasted the link needed (32 or 64 bits) to my Google Keep app.

Then, from my computer, I went to keep.google.com and just clicked the link and the download started.

What a mess! :evil:

This page should be on top of the "0xC1800103 - 0x90002" google search!

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