What jobs / work can a 16 year old do in the UK to earn ?600 - ?700 in 12 weeks?


New member
May 4, 2014
I think the reason is probably obvious, but if not, I want to try and get the i5 128gb Surface Pro 3 for Year 12 and 13 (6th form in the UK).
Now I know it's an expensive device, but I currently have a Surface RT (first gen) and a laptop that came with an ivy bridge i3 processor. I've been after a Pro device for a while, and this one looks like the one to get.

I've posted this here rather than in the SP3 forum, because this isn't about the SP3, it's about what I can do in order to be able to get enough money for one. I know someone who is going to America who can pick me one of these up when he's there, but I will need to have the money for him when he gets back in September.

I really don't want to work part time in somewhere like McDonalds or KFC, but if that's the only option I'll take it. This device and the opportunity it brings is so amazing. And I know it won't be outdated by a new release until Windows 9. I would love to hear your thoughts.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Well I'm not an expert on careers but I'm married to one. :p Allow me to help if I may.

First, see about working full time for the summer and of course saving as much as you can. In other words, find a seasonal job or something that you can work at which makes a bit more than the places you mentioned.

To find one that suits you ask yourself these simple questions.
1. Do I have any particular skills that someone may need
2. Do I want to work outside
3. Do I want to work in a labour intensive job
4. Do I like working with people or alone
5. Do I want to travel during work

Those are some basics but my point is you need to know what you want to do first before you can find a position that will suit your needs. Being 16 doesn't mean you can't find a half decent job. So don't use your age as an excuse.

Obviously be realistic with yourself, check out the ads and see if something works for you. You can usually find seasonal work or well paying summer positions if you look for them. They may not be something you want to do forever but it will give you the cash you want.

There are the occasional part time positions that pay well. Normally it's about knowing someone in the work place. Ask around. Ask your family, friends and even teachers. Get used to networking as it's an important part of finding work.


New member
May 4, 2014
Well I'm not an expert on careers but I'm married to one. :p Allow me to help if I may.

First, see about working full time for the summer and of course saving as much as you can. In other words, find a seasonal job or something that you can work at which makes a bit more than the places you mentioned.

To find one that suits you ask yourself these simple questions.
1. Do I have any particular skills that someone may need
2. Do I want to work outside
3. Do I want to work in a labour intensive job
4. Do I like working with people or alone
5. Do I want to travel during work

Those are some basics but my point is you need to know what you want to do first before you can find a position that will suit your needs. Being 16 doesn't mean you can't find a half decent job. So don't use your age as an excuse.

Obviously be realistic with yourself, check out the ads and see if something works for you. You can usually find seasonal work or well paying summer positions if you look for them. They may not be something you want to do forever but it will give you the cash you want.

There are the occasional part time positions that pay well. Normally it's about knowing someone in the work place. Ask around. Ask your family, friends and even teachers. Get used to networking as it's an important part of finding work.

1. Web development skills, but not super advanced
2. No, if possible
3. Maybe
4. Prefer working alone, but working is a team effort in most cases
5. Not really


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Well if your have above average skills in web development you could start your business and court small businesses who either have a bad website or none. Offer them a cheap option to build and maintain.

Going with number two there is always warehouse jobs around as an alternative to the fast food joints. There is also working in real restaurants as they are always looking for people.


New member
May 4, 2014
Well if your have above average skills in web development you could start your business and court small businesses who either have a bad website or none. Offer them a cheap option to build and maintain.

Going with number two there is always warehouse jobs around as an alternative to the fast food joints. There is also working in real restaurants as they are always looking for people.

I have above average skills with javascript and games programming, but not for UI / UX.
Also, working in a restaurant would not be right for me I don't think.

What are warehouse jobs


New member
Apr 14, 2014
Just get a job anywhere that will take you :p Its not like you intend to stay you just want money for a tablet. Than you'll probably quit, who really cares?


New member
Apr 14, 2014
Apply at all the supermarkets and stores you can find! That's what I did. I got callback from quite a bit of stores for position as cashier.


May 15, 2013
Apply at all the supermarkets and stores you can find! That's what I did. I got callback from quite a bit of stores for position as cashier.

As you are a soon to be a six form student, this would probably be best as max you would be able to do is about 16 hours maybe 20 in a week if your supervisor is either an pain in the backside or happy to chuck hours your way if you want over time (depends how you look at it! lol).

This link will tell you the minimum wage for your age group.

In regards to approaching small businesses with website development best have some pre-designed websites to hand which are relevant for the business you are targeting. However if I were you I would do some market research find out what your competitors are offering first. Personally this is a long shot as any small business owner can go online and build their own website for free and pay a small fee for hosting i.e Free Website Builder | Create a Free Website | WIX.com

lastly check the local job centre if any company is hiring an office junior - granted you will most likely start off with menial tasks at first but try to stick with it and look for opportunities with-in that company (if possible).

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