I bought a Nokia Lumia 635 in February 2015, because that was the latest WIndows phone at that time. I enjoy using my Lumia 635 to play music, and its message and call functions are working well, but the problem about my device is that it only has 8GB storage and 512MB RAM. It also keeps crashing whenever I try to search, and when I try to tap and hold on images, it doesn't show the "save image" option and only shows the "find in page" option. Which Windows phones are better than the Nokia Lumia 635?
Hmm, well you have a lot of options, although all have tradeoffs of their own.
The Nokia Lumia 820 and 920 are older but are still solid options, their battery life is worse than the 635's though.
the 1020 is in a similar situation.
The natural progression is the Lumia 640, which is highly regarded around these parts, although its 5" display (like most other current Lumias) may pose a size problem.
If you want to go bigger, there's the 640 XL.
The Nokia Lumia 730/735, 830, 930, 1520 are all similar generation devices that are higher end and are naturally "better."
If only by a smidgen, the Lumia 638 is the same phone, just with 1 GB of RAM.
Also you may want to think about other OEMs - the HTC One M8 for Windows is a fine phone as is the cheaper BLU Win HD offerings.