what was the last update all about? not talking about mango update.


New member
Sep 8, 2011

my hd7 got an HTC Update last week.
but i dont notice any changes. does anyone know what was that all about?

I'M not talking about mango update. this one is post mango.
update notice was the end of oct. about 2 weeks ago.
Usually it's a carrier update to enable Internet Sharing or to update firmware for compass or general driver improvements rabit1. :)
yes... i changelog would be great.

I've had the update for several days now.. I don't notice any changes or new features yet...
No wifi sharing.
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If you have unbranded phone you can install via RUU.

Sent from my HD7 T9292 using Board Express
So now that we have this internet sharing feature, do i have to pay a tethering fee from T-Mobile to use it?

I'm not quite sure on that one... I actually used the tethering feature just for ****s and giggles after I updated and I didn't notice any changes to my account or bill... Anyway, I spoke to an HD7 specific tech agent (apparently they have those) and he said we'd be getting another update apart from the internet tethering. This one is to apparently fix the visual voicemail issue many HD7 owners (including me) have been having. So, even if you can use VVM without a problem, keep an eye out for another update.
I just chatted with a T-Mo rep online and apparently it really is free. It uses ur phones data plan so it may eat up those MBs, but if you have an unlimited plan like me, you're good to go

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