Ban on Islamic Face Veils Is Attack On Anonymity and Civil Liberties - YouTube
So I was watching this video which is about the ban on Islamic face veils and at around 2.40 she talks about people being body scanned and finger printed at airports and then says about the iPhone 5S fingerprint feature, is this feature really about your phone's security or something else?
So I was doing a bit of digging, and it seems they will be sharing peoples fingerprints with the NSA, I'd be afraid if I was you
So I was watching this video which is about the ban on Islamic face veils and at around 2.40 she talks about people being body scanned and finger printed at airports and then says about the iPhone 5S fingerprint feature, is this feature really about your phone's security or something else?
So I was doing a bit of digging, and it seems they will be sharing peoples fingerprints with the NSA, I'd be afraid if I was you