- Aug 26, 2014
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It has been reported that 10 Percent of all WhatsApp users (out of 800 million) are using Windows Phone. That's a whopping 80 million Windows Phone users on WhatsApp.
Considering there are many people that believe there are less than 100 Windows Phones in the hands of people worldwide (/s), I'd say Windows Phone has gotten the attention of at least one developer.
This is what happens in the Windows Phone community when you actually take the time to produce a quality, needed app and invest in keeping it updated and improved. Windows Phone users will reward you for your loyalty. You can't really say that about other phone OSes.
Yes, Windows Phone users can be heard griping about the poor quality of apps, and that makes a lot of developers cry foul or pull their apps. That is the fault of a lazy developer, though. A developer that thinks they can slap a half-done app into the Windows Store and never look back to update it should not expect high praise. A developer that constantly updates and improves the app deserves the praise, and generally gets that praise.
So the next time you see someone whining about a crappy Windows Phone app, stop and think about who might actually be to blame. There are times when the Windows Phone user is being unreasonable and expecting perfection on the first beta of the app, but, more times than not, it is an abandoned app that is full of bugs that were never fixed. Examine the situation and determine if the user is being petty, or if the developer has been lazy.
To all developers: WhatsApp has shown you what can be accomplished if you are dedicated to your app on Windows Phone. Now is the time to jump on board. Don't wait until the market gets over-saturated with the coming of Windows 10 for Mobile. It's coming soon.
Source: Softpedia
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