Whatsapp question

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If I call someone on whatsapp and I am not on wifi do I get charged for a long distance charge or is it just using my data? My daughter is in Germany and we are in Canada and we have been texting and calling using whatsapp. Sometimes she calls us and we are not on wifi but she is calling us so I do not think that we are changed for the call maybe just the data. Does it take a lot of my data?


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Apr 12, 2014
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When you're not on WiFi, you're being charged for the data only, not the call, so you don't have to worry about the long distance. And as for the second question, you can use the data sense app/setting to see how much data WhatsApp uses. There is also a setting in WhatsApp that further reduces the data consumption during calls by lowering the quality.

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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If I call someone on whatsapp and I am not on wifi do I get charged for a long distance charge or is it just using my data? My daughter is in Germany and we are in Canada and we have been texting and calling using whatsapp. Sometimes she calls us and we are not on wifi but she is calling us so I do not think that we are changed for the call maybe just the data. Does it take a lot of my data?

And to further add on what Alinauman97 said, the data usage is usually quite low. Probably an MB for every 5 minutes

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