When the heck is Nokia coming??


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Aug 16, 2011
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Why are they taking so long to even announce the phone much less even release it. I loved WP on launch and am waiting for mango with great specs/Build/look (basically sea ray for me). Right now I have GS2 and its a great phone, fantastic even, but im done with Android, its basically WP or IOS for me, right now theres not too many options, the focus imo is the best thing out their which I had at launch, I got rid of it because I felt it was too immature, mango looks to change that. But what is taking Nokia so long? I dont only ask because I want it (xD) but because I think a big blitz of advertising and an actual release date will help WP tremendously, question is when?


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Apr 2, 2011
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When it's done. Nokia is not a company prone to rushing into things, chances are they'll announce it shortly before or after Mangos offical release.


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Dec 16, 2010
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well first of all , probly next month or MID October ,

Second , nobody really knows until like 2-3 weeks before they come out. any thing else is just rumors..

I work for bell and i have clients telling me the Iphone 5 is coming out OCT 7th ... i work for bell and we dont have a release date.. LOL .so how do they know ...... so oct 7 is just a rumor. Lol ..

so what did we learn? be patient.. lol its coming soon.


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Dec 6, 2010
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If they have a phone coming next month, they should have started advertising last month. They are royally screwing things up marketing wise. All of them, MS/Nokia/HTC/Samsung/Acer. **** I know more about the Motorola Bionic and other Android phones that are coming than I do about any WP7 phone, and I don't even try to know about Android phones. Everyone involved with WP7 from a marketing standpoint get a F-.


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Dec 16, 2010
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If they have a phone coming next month, they should have started advertising last month.

yeah but when does that ever happen?? lol , even Androids phone dont even advertise new phones till 1or 2 weeks before release.

when we got the Motorola Atrix , the first commercial (from bell not Motorola ) was 2 weeks before launch day.

Like when i got my FOCUS from Rogers i actually saw ZERO adds for it , i actually saw it on the Rogers website at a fix price , when i went to go pick it up they told me i had to wait 2 more weeks , LOL. stupid. so i got the Surround at Telus. lol


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Dec 6, 2010
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MS isn't Android. They are in last place. I've seen commercials for Android phones that say "Coming ..." I think it was for the droid 2 Also looking on the net, I see all types of shots, even specs for phones that are headed to end uses. You get nada from WP7. I don't think MS is confident in their next batch of phones. Isn't Mango going to be released next month? They have failed in every aspect in marketing. Yes "Really".
yeah but when does that ever happen?? lol , even Androids phone dont even advertise new phones till 1or 2 weeks before release.

when we got the Motorola Atrix , the first commercial (from bell not Motorola ) was 2 weeks before launch day.

Like when i got my FOCUS from Rogers i actually saw ZERO adds for it , i actually saw it on the Rogers website at a fix price , when i went to go pick it up they told me i had to wait 2 more weeks , LOL. stupid. so i got the Surround at Telus. lol
Let me rephrase that last statement. I don't think the OEMs are confident in WP7. Besides Nokia, and they don't have a choice.


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Dec 16, 2010
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MS isn't Android. They are in last place. I've seen commercials for Android phones that say "Coming ..." I think it was for the droid 2 Also looking on the net, I see all types of shots, even specs for phones that are headed to end uses. You get nada from WP7. I don't think MS is confident in their next batch of phones. Isn't Mango going to be released next month? They have failed in every aspect in marketing. Yes "Really".

Let me rephrase that last statement. I don't think the OEMs are confident in WP7. Besides Nokia, and they don't have a choice.
well i dont think they really failed about Mango , I actually saw something on TV for it last night.

sure they could do allot more , but right now it looks like MS is concentrating on Product placement marketing over commercials. and i think they might be doing this because Iphone OWNS the product placemat world.

and NOKIA should be advertising there Own phones. when do you ever see a GOOGLE commercial for Android? NEVER its always HTC or Samsung ect... or an actual company like AT&T , Bell , Rogers .. ect..

so I think we should lay off MS and put more pressure on NOKIA and other OEMs, MS is already doing more then Google by putting phones in Celebs hands and also doing a good job with us , I talk about WP7 to every one ( not because I work for a cell phone company )

but your right , i think the lack of confidents from samsung , HTC , LG ect... is not helping. but thats there problem , spendign all that cash on making phoens for MS and they dont even try to sel them.


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Dec 6, 2010
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MS is on the hook if this fails, not HTC, Samsung...well maybe Nokia, but that's their own fault. Google is sitting on top of the throne now, so they don't have to do anything but count money. I don't think the non Nokia OEMs could care less about WP7. But I can't really blame them, it's not like they are making a ton of money off it. And I'm sure it's going to be a double whammy since Nokia and MS are in bed together, plus the others are having to pay MS royalties for Android.
well i dont think they really failed about Mango , I actually saw something on TV for it last night.

sure they could do allot more , but right now it looks like MS is concentrating on Product placement marketing over commercials. and i think they might be doing this because Iphone OWNS the product placemat world.

and NOKIA should be advertising there Own phones. when do you ever see a GOOGLE commercial for Android? NEVER its always HTC or Samsung ect... or an actual company like AT&T , Bell , Rogers .. ect..

so I think we should lay off MS and put more pressure on NOKIA and other OEMs, MS is already doing more then Google by putting phones in Celebs hands and also doing a good job with us , I talk about WP7 to every one ( not because I work for a cell phone company )

but your right , i think the lack of confidents from samsung , HTC , LG ect... is not helping. but thats there problem , spendign all that cash on making phoens for MS and they dont even try to sel them.


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Nov 20, 2010
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I'd rather the Nokia phones be ready for primetime and wait a while than have something in front of me that feels like a beta. The Pre 3 still isn't out here in the US and HP announced it how many months ago? If there's something to be learned in the mobile climate right now it's release a product that's ready to compete.


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Feb 23, 2011
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Nokia has said from the beginning that their WP7 devices are coming in 2012, but that they might be able to release one device this year.

Why is everybody acting like it's the end of the world, just because they don't have anything announced in August 2011? They're coming. And whey they do, Nokia has a huge advertising campaign planned. Just relax.


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Dec 6, 2010
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You do know HP killed off webOS don't yeah. I don't think you'll ever see a P3.
I'd rather the Nokia phones be ready for primetime and wait a while than have something in front of me that feels like a beta. The Pre 3 still isn't out here in the US and HP announced it how many months ago? If there's something to be learned in the mobile climate right now it's release a product that's ready to compete.


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Nov 20, 2010
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You do know HP killed off webOS don't yeah. I don't think you'll ever see a P3.

I do know that, however the Pre 3 was just released in Europe so I'm sure to some extent they'll try to get rid of some inventory. My point wasn't geared toward the pre 3 anyway, it was that a phone shouldn't be announced unless it's ready to be released soon. The original Pre was the same way. It was the huge hit of CES 2009, then it took something like 9 months to be released and everyone was over it.

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