The band since day one has been syncing with Microsoft Health.
You can check averages and statistics in on the web by going to: https: //dashboard . microsofthealth . com
You can also link Microsoft to your Health Vault by going to www . healthvault . com > Apps & Devices (after logging in) and finding Microsoft Health app.
In Health Vault sleep will be accessible under Measurements > Sleep Session, and steps will be accessible under Measurements > Exercise along with other work out data.
From my experience Health Vault didn't bring the history, but started updating going forward from the date that I linked Microsoft Health to Health Vault.
Microsoft Health also provides a much more beautiful interface to analyze data than Health Vault right now.
Microsoft Health shows charts by Day, Week or Month and gives gives you the ability to click on <3 to check heart rate. Healthvault makes it look like a spread sheet for these stats (might have an update coming in the future.)
I had to break the links (says my account is not allowed to post links) 4 posts out of 10. -.-