Changes from Win8.1 to Win10. Many have noticed placeholders (and other things) have disappeared. I'm still grappling with OneDrive on Win10. Learning curve plays into this too.
What "other things" you mean? I am sorry the only thing missing from Windows 8.1 it's the placeholders which were crap, it only worked with photos, so what is the point? to waste space?
I mean... if you had hundred of hundred GBs synched to OneDrive then you had to download all those palceholders, even if you didn't need them, and they would waste alot of space. of course if you have some few GBs on OneDrive it wouldn't matter to you, but for people with many many GBs OneDrive, on a small tablet with limited storage, well... it was not good. especially because you had no choose, you downloaded or downloaded the place holders when you enter your Microsoft account. that would be problematic with people with limited data. don't you think?
But it was useless because it only worked on Photos, and in the end a double click would just download the whole file, it wasn't like a low res version of the original (like lightroom does with smart files) so again, what was the point of placeholders? it was really a not good implementation in many cases.
Also the problem it's you didn't even know when files were synched or not, sometimes I needed files and guess what? I couldn't use them because they weren't downloaded because the ONLY way to know was to put the files on details mode and see if they were "online only" or "offline". and then that way you can't see the thumbnails.... so you had to choose between knowing what it was synching and what you could see on thumbnails. not good implementation, in the end I just downloaded the whole folder because it was easier.
Now it's easy to tell which files are synched since they have a nice green circle with a check. you know what is available for you if you downloaded the file. etc etc.
Also you had to go to website to share files, while on Windows 10 you can do it from desktop. is that what people want? go to onedrive to share a file? well, I don't. I like sharing files like if it was a normal file and just give the link without opening the browser.
Another thing added to Windows 10 it's now you can go and access your harddrives wherever you are through one drive by checking the option. thing you couldn't do on Windows 8.1. I don't use it, but it can be useful.
I don't understand why people say OneDrive on Windows 10 sucks, if it brings more than it lost. yes, it's not perfect, the only thing missing that I would call important it's synching of individual files so you don't have to download a whole folder, or like i do, sync files to a temp folder where I can just move them later if need to (so I don't download the whole folder).
Anyway Microsoft said they were working on it. but I hope they don't bring the useless placeholders. to me they were just nothing great. it made some works difficult since I had to download files I thought they were downloaded because I saw them and when I double clicked it would just take long time to load because it was online only.
yeah it was nice to see all the files sometimes, when you needed to organize things, but sometimes a little change and it would take many minutes to complete, like I moved 160 files to a folder on onedrive website, deleted that folder, renamed the new folder. and it just took way too long to do that simple operation... where it was suppose to be fast.
so like I said, maybe it's because people are blinded and want to hate on OneDrive Windows 10 and love downloading all the files as useless placeholders but I
think Windows 10 can bring more to OneDrive users than Windows 8.1 implementation could ever do.
and about tablet mode on Windows 10, it works fine. I don't know why people want to hate on it. in most cases it's better than what Windows 8.1 had. Idon't know what is the great thing about everything being hidden. some people might want that, but I found it boring, on desktop and tablet. swipe up to bring this, swipe left to get to other options, swipe right to switch apps. I don't think that was the best workflow either.
Yes, it's people's preference but it doesn't mean Windows 10 is worse than Windows 8 when windows 8 was always fullscreen apps and a lot of pointless swipes.