So, something strange happened to me yesterday, my L925 continues to crash/freeze every few days since I installed WP8 DP, resulting in me having to soft reset to recover. I got Cyan and it still happens, and upgraded to the update, same again. Yesterday evening I noticed it had frozen again, I did the soft reset and stuck it in my pocket. When I took it out it showed the correct time, this has never happened before.
I experimented, changing the time manually, setting it back to automatic and watching it jump back. This was still working this morning. I had planned to do a hard reset to see if that helped with the freezing, and since then the time won't set automatically, so what's different?
Only thing that it might be is I was in a 4G area yesterday, but not this morning when it still appeared to be working.
Anyone know if Three UK does time sync over 4G, or had I accidentally got it to work and my hard reset screwed it up again? Not sure when I'll next be back in a 4G area to test it...