You’re right in that we don’t actually publish a separate driver build for each phone and ROM version (if you count everything up there’s only like 5 or 6 on the install page right now and most are linked to multiple phone models (pretty much broken down by Touchscreen vs. non-touchscreen and WM5 vs. 6/6.1 however, that doesn’t mean that phones not on the supported list will work with one of the .cabs (although some do). As we test and support new phones, each of the .cab builds on that page is updated to include code compatible with the officially supported phones.
The key is to look at the 1.xx.xx in the .cab file name. Right now we’re on build 1.3.29 and when we announce additional supported phones and/or bug fixes, all of the .cab file names will change to the new build version of 1.3.whatever it will be.
We always will make an announcement when a new build is released (it will only maybe be once a quarter at the most) so anyone that’s interested can go download the latest driver for their phone.
I’ll post the news here of updates or you can register for our newsletter at