Which is the best equalizer settings ?


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Oct 27, 2013
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I don't know how to make the perfect equalizer for my phone. I don't know which bar is for bass and which for treble. What values they need to be at.

Can anyone share equalizer settings which you think are best ?

I want a setting with bass and clarity even when at max volume and also with original voice of singer.

Please share if you have made an equalizer setting.

Sin Ogaris

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Oct 13, 2013
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The numbers underneath each column denotes the frequency which is being boosted/cut (ranging from 400Hz up to 7KHz, which is a pretty horrid range all things considered).

It sounds like what you want is to have the bars start higher and gradually go down with each successive column. That'll give you a boost to your bass and also a slight boost to your vocal ranges.

That being said, while that will achieve what you want, what you actually should do is leave everything at zero and buy a better pair of headphones. Generally an equaliser is utilised to compensate for changes in the sound that carries in a room, that doesn't really apply when the speakers are inside your ears so ultimately what people are trying to do is compensate for poor headphones. It's easier to just buy better headphones. Read reviews of headphones in your price range and match up what the reviewer says to what you want.


Apr 16, 2011
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First, there is no universal best setting. Equalizers (EQ) were designed to compensate in cases where deficiencies were introduced due to inefficient microphones. But these days, graphic equalizers are most often used to enhance your music.

How you wish to adjust your EQ depends on a bunch of things. The two key factors are the headphones you use to listen to music, and what type of music you are listening to.

If you have large, full cup headphones, they will generally sound more full and be able to produce a deep bass sound better than the little earbuds that go inside your ear canal, while those little ear buds may require you to turn down the higher frequencies.

My phone has 7 frequencies, 400 Hz - 650 Hz - 1000 HZ - 1500 Hz - 2200 Hz - 3500 Hz - 7000 Hz.

Generally speaking, with these settings, you could consider bass to be 400-1000 Hz. Treble, the high frequencies, would be in the 2200-7000 range. The middle, 650-2200 is midrange, you may notice there is some overlap. To get more "thump" in your low end, nudge the lowest bars, 400 and 650 up a little. Vocals generally sit around 2200 Hz, so giving that a slight boost will add clarity and presence to your vocals. If you are experiencing shrill, fatiguing highs, you'll want to lower the bar for 7000 Hz, and maybe pull 3500 down a little.

In the end, there is no right or wrong, as long as you think it sounds good! Experiment, or start with the presets and tweak the settings to get it just right for you.

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