Which should I get the Lumia 830 or 930?


New member
Mar 13, 2014
Lumia 830 or 930

Hello everyone ! I'm looking forward to change my Lumia 925 to a newer device, I'm looking to the Lumia 830 and 930.

What's the difference between their processors ? I mean Quad-core 1,2 for the 830 and quand core 2.2 for 930 ?
Is the dual core of the 925 more powerful than the 830 quadcore ?
Re: Lumia 830 or 930

The processors are completely different in the L930 and the L830.

If you're on a budget the L830 is perfectly fine. It has the latest firmware and features, excluding Hey Cortana, which will only work on higher end processors. If that is important to you then I'd suggest the L930.

The best thing to do is determine how much you want to spend, what features are important and compare the results. On the whole the two phones will be similar but the L830 lacks somethings and the L930 lacks some things. We don't know what, if any issues the L830 has due to it being so new. Unlike the L930, which you can go to the forum to see some of them.
Re: Lumia 830 or 930

In fact I considered the 830 because there is glance screen, and it looks to be a really nice device for that price. The 930 look thicker, better in terms of specs but really fat, and it's battery looks so tiny. The only good thing is it's 2gb ram and processor :-/

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