Who's excited about the Windows 10 ( phone)?

Re: windows 10 ( phone) : Waiting Room

Team up guys to raid Microsoft office to hit the secret release button.
Boom windows 10 online =D
Re: windows 10 ( phone) : Waiting Room

Well , You can force them on twitter :P

It's of no use. They are deaf-dumb-blind in this regard. Either they won't reply at all or reply with same-old "SOON". I can't understand,why we have to wait for a superbowl NFL game to be completed for receiving the updates. Their attitude is making me angry. Wanna slap them for sure, if I meet them.
Re: windows 10 ( phone) : Waiting Room

It's of no use. They are deaf-dumb-blind in this regard. Either they won't reply at all or reply with same-old "SOON". I can't understand,why we have to wait for a superbowl NFL game to be completed for receiving the updates. Their attitude is making me angry. Wanna slap them for sure, if I meet them.

super bowl still going on ?? i thought they already finished it
Re: windows 10 ( phone) : Waiting Room

You might be Wrong....

I hope so! I've a 630 which I don't use and was planning to use that for the insider program. That way I could test W10 and keep 8.1 on my daily driver (930).....the best of both worlds 😊

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
....yes I know that. The question was "would they", not "why did they". And yes, yes they will abandon devices soon after launch.

Yup, I got the Lumia 800 on a 2 year contract and a few months later the 810 came out with Windows 8 and my phone was stuck with 7.5, eventually 7.8.

But let's also keep in mind of the situation of the time where there was Microsoft making the OS and Nokia making the Hardware. Everything is under one roof these days (for the most part) and learning from past mistakes is something MS seems to be in a position to be doing recently.

Also with the news spreading about W10 working on the Raspberry Pi2 (and for free) it seems MS is doing their best to make W10 as compatible and optimized as possible.

Whether they are using W10 (PC) or W10 (Mobile) I don't know.... But if they are using the PC version, then one can assume the mobile version will be even more flexible with lower system specs.
Win10 won't be free - it'll be a free upgrade if you've already bought a valid licence for a qualifying version.

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