Who's Planning to get a Lenovo Yoga 910?

If the contrast are good
The aspect ratio its like surface for tablet use
No throttling
No too much fan noise

Then i go ahead
Just picked one up at Best Buy the fan sounds like a jet taking off but otherwise is a beautiful laptop with top specs. I picked up the limited edition with 16 gb ram and 512 ssd it also came with glass lid. It was a limited edition to Best Buy.

UPDATE going on three days with the 910 and the battery life is not nearly what is advertized, I called tech support and they made a few changes but still no improvement only getting 5 hours of battery life.

After several hours on the phone with Lenovo trying to fix fan and battery issues I decided to return it and picked up a new 13" MacBook Pro 2016.
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I returned after 2 days. The fan noise is unacceptable to me. I did try the updated BIOS, with Quiet Mode, and the other Lenovo forum posted fixes. Just crazy loud.

Too bad....it is a beautiful device!
The fan problem has been fixed (or at least it is a LOT quieter) now but you need to update the firmware, run in quiet mode in BIOS settings, AND in Battery Power Options (select Advanced Settings and change the cooling type from Active to Passive, and change the maximum processor state from 100% to 99 %. All is running perfectly quietly for me now (also am running Windows 10 Creator's Update). Its a lot to do but worth it ... the Yoga 910 is such a beautiful device ...I even like the keyboard on it a lot too in spite of the half length right shift key.
I too was getting roughly 4.5 hours battery life out of my Yoga 910 FHD and was initially disappointed as I've heard as much as 10 hours battery life is possible.

I realize this is an older thread but I found a post, deep in the Lenovo forums, stating there is a WLAN device driver causing massive battery usage.
It's called: Qualcomm Atheros Universal WLAN Driver Service

I went into services, stopped the WLAN service and changed it to run manually, rebooted the machine and have been experiencing between 9-11 hours of usage now between charges. It also has minimum batter drain in standby/hibernate now too.
Have not experienced any side effects from changing how this service runs.

Hope this helps someone.
The fan problem has been fixed (or at least it is a LOT quieter) now but you need to update the firmware, run in quiet mode in BIOS settings, AND in Battery Power Options (select Advanced Settings and change the cooling type from Active to Passive, and change the maximum processor state from 100% to 99 %. All is running perfectly quietly for me now (also am running Windows 10 Creator's Update). Its a lot to do but worth it ... the Yoga 910 is such a beautiful device ...I even like the keyboard on it a lot too in spite of the half length right shift key.

Turning cooling to passive instead of active is a bad idea. It's equivalent to disabling the fan. If your laptop could operate only with passive cooling, they would have designed it this way.

Your CPU needs active cooling. Deactivating this will resulting on a shorter lifespan and possible bad consequences for your computer.

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