Why aren't the navigation keys lighting while on charging anymore?

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navigation keys don't light while on charging

my nokia lumia 930 use to light up its navigation keys when i connect to charger, & then when i remove it from charge , it use to go dim in battery saver mode.

but now the navigation keys dont on while charging.
Re: navigation keys don't light while on charging

This is most likely down to where/when you charge your phone, rather than whether the light still works. The navigation key light uses the ambient light sensor to determine whether to illuminate or not. You can test this right now by covering over the sensor which is near the top right-hand corner of the screen, RH side of the front-facing camera. Give it a few moments to adjust and the keys will light up assuming your phone is out of standby. Try setting your phone down to charge in the dark next time and hey presto, the keys will light up for a few moments.
Re: navigation keys don't light while on charging

yes sir ,, i know what you are talking about its called sunlight readability.

but.. while on charging .. the phone's display gets bright.. but the keys dnt light up :(

it use to light before..
Hi guys, this issue is related to Device Hub. Yes, exactly!

So, -the only one- solution is:

1) Reset your phone (required)
2) When resetting is completed, complete your installation steps
3) When the phone is ready to use, quickly go to Settings > Date+Time
4) Set the year like 2150 or more
5) Go to Settings, tap the Device Hub
6) Uninstall it
7) Set the date as auto again

Problem will be solved.

Never open Device Hub even once! Uninstall it and don't install again.

p.s. If you open Device Hub even once, battery saver crashes and your issue comes over again. Then you must reset your phone to solve it.
If you open Device Hub once, uninstalling it will not solve this issue. You will have to reset your phones...

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