Why cant I post to a thread I set up


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Aug 11, 2014
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Yesterday from about 12 noon (UK time) I tried to respond to a thread that I started earlier this week but with the exception of 2 unrelated ones that I did as a test I don't seem to be able to post to this thread, I had tried reducing the size of my posting to see if I had exceeded any of the limits (if any) but not even a 2 liner would get through. I mostly prepare my answer/questions in MS word, then cut and paste then into the forum. I have done this before with no problems! is this likely to be the cause of the problem with this forum site?
When I click on Submit, some times I get an Explorer box saying something like "do you really want to leave this page?" other times I get a new untitled page just with some text this is a view of one of them. wp_central_ error.JPG
I will await your advice before trying again. I gave up yesterday after trying over a period of about of nine hours.

Perhaps you wont get this !!


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Aug 11, 2014
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This the sort of message I get when posting, just tried again:-
error message selecting-Submit.jpg

I think it must be a fault with the forum page and nothing I am doing. I have tried posting from three different computers all giving me the same problem.


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Aug 11, 2014
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Hi James, Thanks for replying to my query, my thread is "All I need is Calendar on my PC & Nokia Lumia 635" and I thought I was getting some good suggestions, but I had to give up in the end as I could not post any further questions or report back as the webpage just locked up.
I tried another desktop PC and a PC laptop, all reacted the same. I could not scroll down the page and each time I managed to get my message done clicking on submit, it just froze again. I did try Firefox over the weekend, his would not allow me to post my complete message either.
I could not fee up any of the computers unless I did a full re-boot.
I am now wondering if your forum site is not suitable for :- Windows Explorer 11, V 11.0.9600.17239, update version 11.0.11 (KB2976627).
I am using Firefox to send you this and so far I am managing to enter some text, I will have to see if you get this. When I click on send. I will try that now.

James Falconer

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Nov 1, 2012
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Very strange. First I've heard of this one. I'm going to shoot this thread over to our tech team to take a look.

In the meantime, do let me know if you have success posting in any other forums... if we can narrow down the issue here, it'd help tremendously!


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Aug 11, 2014
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James, Just to keep you up-to-date, I have just added a reply to my posting. first attempt was with my default browser IE, I selected login that I think was accepted, then my computer froze.
I selected Windows "Start > Logoff" to enable me to have another attempt using Firefox, this worked first time and I was able to post my reply.
I still think it's a Windows 11 issue, I don't know if I should un-tick the box that allows IE to update without asking or not. Perhaps a future update will solve this issue.
I have had this problems in the past with earlier updates. It seems that MS are using us to test products that I think are not really for release.

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