Why did Microsoft remove the history page from people hub


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Oct 9, 2012
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I dont get this at all. I understand the tearing down of hubs, but this just dont make sense to me.

Before I used people hub as central place for calls and texts... Now the whole people hub i little useless for me, and I even rarely have it pinned. At the same time Im now using phone dialer more, but again thats lacking in some aspects and its not perfect either. The dialer should have smart dialing and ability to choose texting right from phonebook.

Can anyone say why it made sense to remove the history page from the people hub?

Rant here:

Two steps forward and one steps back just seems to be the way of Microsoft and Windows Phone... Poor and confused management,engineers pulling all directions results to "lets do this, no wait, lets change it to this, oops wasnt good lets do this instead" and so on and so on.... Considering how many of these type of things has happened with WP, if I would be at MS, I would soon seriously start to think about letting Joe Belfiore go. Or at least put someone on top of him, someone to manage Windows Phone with CLEAR and LONGTERM vision, so this stupidity of changing direction all the time stops!


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Apr 6, 2013
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I agree, the deep integration of the people's hub made part of WP stand out. But they couldn't keep the notification in sync. I may be wrong, but the history of people's hub contributed to the size of "other storage" size. It freaked many users out.
If there is a poll done right now, I think many will want the people's hub restored (sans notification problems.)
My 0.02...


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Oct 9, 2012
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Im all pro tearing down the hubs. Simply because the functionality was so cripled. I hated the fact you had several ways of doing the same thing, like in Facebook for example, several ways and all of them cripled in their own way. Its better to make one perfect way and improve that. However the basic functions of calling and texting someone need to be improved now. This basic function needs a central place IMO.

Lets say they add smart dialing and there next to the name could be the circle that open other options than just calling, which could be done like now by clicking the name. Or history page back to the people hub, so contacting the people you frequent with at that specific period are very quickly accesible.

Whatever it would be, it needs work....

Cortana is of course a central place where you can do everything... But thats way too slow for these simple things.

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