Why does my Whatsapp download stop when screen times out?

Dec 29, 2014
whatsapp download stops when screen times out

When i download some videos from whatsapp I am keeping my screen active until the download completes. If I let my screen timeout the download stops. When I unlock the phone the download starts from beginning. I have kept whatsapp setting allowed in background. Am I missing anything or this is how it works?

I am using lumia 730 Lumia Denim
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Re: whatsapp download stops when screen times out

Windows phone apps have life cycles, the app is either running, suspended or tombstoned. Running is when you open the app and use it, suspended is when you switch away from the app. And tombstoned is when the app is suspended but the system removes it from memory because it needs resources to run other apps.
When the app is suspended, the system will give the app five seconds to finalize objects and release resources and save user data so it can resume again when the user switches back to the app without him feeling any difference. Then the system will freeze kill the app. Now my guess is that the developer team for WhatsApp designed the app to follow this behavior of canceling the download then restarting it when the app is activated again. Maybe because their server doesn't allow to resume downloads.

Hope this helped you clarify how apps live in Windows phone.
Re: whatsapp download stops when screen times out

In BATTERY SAVER WhatsApp is allowed to work in the background.

In WhatsApp SETTING > CHAT SETTING > media auto-download > what are the settings for video.
Re: whatsapp download stops when screen times out

I think the auto download setting is to download the files automatically when a data connection is on or manually. It is not causing the problem to cancel the download in progress. Like rafael told the app is getting suspended after time out. Its difficult to keep the screen on and stay in the page for a long time.

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