For advising on Bugs we would need to know your phone model, any carrier branding and the OS with version.
I assume it is a Windows Phone?
You say you changed the Settings? Does that mean settings > notifications + actions > phone? Toggled everything there, eh? Or was it just settings > ringtones + sounds?
If you did both and still no love, try a Soft Reset. Hold the Volume Down + Power buttons until the phone vibrates and reboots (about 10 seconds). You won't lose any data. It reboots the phone with purged RAM and may solve glitchy behaviors.
A more rigorous method may be needed if Soft Reset does not work. Make a backup and Hard Reset.
Power off the phone > hold Volume Down > press Power > keep holding Volume Down until you see the exclamation (!) screen, then immediately release the Volume Down
Now tap Volume Up / Volume Down / Power / Volume Down
You should see the spinning gears and your phone will reflash the last OS version held in recovery. You do loose data, but get your phone back. Sign into your Microsoft Account and restore your backup during the set up.
If none of this works it is 99% a hardware issue and you should seek repair/replace.Apply any warranty or insurance you may have.
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