Why Hotmail you are killing yourself????


New member
Oct 19, 2011
Why Hotmail are you killing yourself????

If you are logging via PC, lap top etc you will get this pic on Hotmail - Get Hotmail on your smartphone iPhone, Android and last Windows Phone??? Why MS you talk about other platforms first, but not for your own? This is like suicide!
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That is surprising. I guess they feel diversifying is important.
Maybe because you are required to have it on a windows phone and not on the others?

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone using Board Express
Maybe because you are required to have it on a windows phone and not on the others?

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone using Board Express

that was kinda what I was thinking too (after my initial response the first time I saw that pic which was more inline with the OP). If I have a Windows Phone then I must already have a hotmail/live account so, not much need to tell me about how I should add it to my phone. But, if I've got one of the other phones then, perhaps it might be a useful addition to my accounts.
Well Windows Phone is the third platform. I will be offended if they said something like "Get Hotmail for Iphone, Ipad, Android, Blackberry, Symbian, webOS and Windows Phone".
I'm in agreement with the other people who say it's a given hotmail is on a windows phone. You're preaching to the choir by listing it first. It makes sense to put iphone and 'droid first. On an advertisement I usually only read the first few words anyways which means they have to put iphone and android first to get their message across. I have no problems w/ listing window's phone last.
I agree with the majority. What I do find interesting is how they left BlackBerry out.

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