Why is Cortana eating so much battery in background?


New member
May 7, 2015
That's something that already happened to me with the tumblr app, i checked the battery life and saw that it was always active so i got rid of it and installed ported instead.

But now it's Cortana!


i dind't change any setting, what can i do to get back to normal?
Ridiculously large values reported in the Battery Saver app may be caused by a bug as discussed elsewhere in the forums - some users reported having two apps with an indicated 100% usage for both (which is clearly nonsensical). This is common with new, out-of-the-box phones where it would seem that the Battery Saver app hasn't gathered enough data yet to make accurate estimates of battery usage.

Here's something you can try: allow battery saver to always run in the background - this way the data it would report would be more reliable. Then, use your phone normally for at least a day and observe the data reported in Battery saver afterwards. You may prevent Cortana from running in the background, but chances are that you won't even need to do that.
Ridiculously large values reported in the Battery Saver app may be caused by a bug as discussed elsewhere in the forums - some users reported having two apps with an indicated 100% usage for both (which is clearly nonsensical). This is common with new, out-of-the-box phones where it would seem that the Battery Saver app hasn't gathered enough data yet to make accurate estimates of battery usage.

Here's something you can try: allow battery saver to always run in the background - this way the data it would report would be more reliable. Then, use your phone normally for at least a day and observe the data reported in Battery saver afterwards. You may prevent Cortana from running in the background, but chances are that you won't even need to do that.

Yeah, the percentages make no sense. 98% + 1% + 1% = 101%. And not to mention the stuff running that we can't see in the screenshot
@gpobernardo thanks for the reply, i too was pretty sure the values didn't make sense but i've had this phone for more than 2 months now, i hope these glitched get risolved in the new windows mobile

as for the battery saver i can't choose to run it in background, no options are available - i think it's because it is a System app
@gpobernardo thanks for the reply, i too was pretty sure the values didn't make sense but i've had this phone for more than 2 months now, i hope these glitched get risolved in the new windows mobile

as for the battery saver i can't choose to run it in background, no options are available - i think it's because it is a System app

Yes, I hope so too (on the bugs).

But you can disable (or enable) Cortana to run in the background in Battery Saver. Your screenshot says Cortana is always running in the background. Just tap on the listing named "Cortana" and toggle the switch (there'll only be one) on/off in the next page.

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