Why is glance screen info stop moving around the screen?


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Glance screen info stopped moving around the screen


I have a Lumia 820 with WP8.1 (Cyan). I've been using the glance screen option since it came out. The behavior was, when the glance screen was activated, to move the info it displays (clock, date, etc) around the screen from time to time in order to minimize burn out on the screen.
But I've just noticed (can't confirm since when) the info isn't moving around, it just stays on the same place.
I know this is not a really big problem but its a change in behavior and would like to understand why this is happening.
Any one else noticed this? Any ideas why this is happening? Any ideas on what to try to revert back to the expected behavior?
Re: Glance screen info stopped moving around the screen


I have a Lumia 820 with WP8.1 (Cyan). I've been using the glance screen option since it came out. The behavior was, when the glance screen was activated, to move the info it displays (clock, date, etc) around the screen from time to time in order to minimize burn out on the screen.
But I've just noticed (can't confirm since when) the info isn't moving around, it just stays on the same place.
I know this is not a really big problem but its a change in behavior and would like to understand why this is happening.
Any one else noticed this? Any ideas why this is happening? Any ideas on what to try to revert back to the expected behavior?
Hello :) I'm a L820 user :) Running Cyan with the latest updates of the PFD. I can tell you that have no problem in glance :) The info Goes Up every some seconds in not sure how much but I can confirm that it's working with me.
I hope that it's a small issue and it won't affect you :).
Good luck ! :)
Re: Glance screen info stopped moving around the screen

Just tried uninstalling and reinstalling the glance screen app and nothing changed. Glance activates and does not move around the screen, it stays in the same place.
Of course this is a small issue, but still...
Re: Glance screen info stopped moving around the screen

How long are you waiting for movement to appear?
Re: Glance screen info stopped moving around the screen

Are you using the peek mode or the Glance is always active? When in peek only the info stays in the lower part of the screen and disappears without movement within 30 seconds, the movement happens only when Glance is constantly on, for example during charging
Re: Glance screen info stopped moving around the screen

Ok, I think I got it. This morning I noticed that the glance info was on the upper part of the display so it is moving and working. It appears that the time between moves has increased. I recall it being around 20 or 30 seconds and it is now one full minute, and around a couple for the function to active when glance is activated. Since this is not something configurable I'll assume this has been changed either on a glance app update or with WP8.1 and I just noticed it now.
So no problems and thanks for the help.
Re: Glance screen info stopped moving around the screen

Ok, I think I got it. This morning I noticed that the glance info was on the upper part of the display so it is moving and working. It appears that the time between moves has increased. I recall it being around 20 or 30 seconds and it is now one full minute, and around a couple for the function to active when glance is activated. Since this is not something configurable I'll assume this has been changed either on a glance app update or with WP8.1 and I just noticed it now.
So no problems and thanks for the help.
Great! Happy to hear that no issues! :)
Have a nice day! :)

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