Why Microsoft took so long to get WP7 out the door IMO.....


New member
Aug 15, 2011
I'll have to search for the actual Google+ explanantion of it, but.....


The biggest reason I left Android. In order for Android to even sniff at the smoothness of iOS, WP7.5, QNX (soon BBX) AND EVEN webOS (2.3 & 3.0 software), they would have to do a complete re-design of the framework. I can't count how many times my Nexus S would lag and just sit after I had touched an icon and how choppy panning and scrolling are (although rare at first...it seemed to get worse with each update that brought more features like Google Wallet). Now I just keep it as a spare just to play with Ice Cream Sandwich, use as a gaming device, and keep money on Google Wallet in case my wife needs the card.

Android was originally built to replace BlackBerry, but when the iPhone came out they rushed to compete with it instead of replace the BlackBerry (i.e. why people always say Android is catching up to iPhone....because it literally is lol). The framework that contained the graphics wasn't built on a foundation that was primarily to support touch screens. Take a look at the first Android video that was demoed; it was on a BlackBerry looking phone with a touch screen. It was never developed to look and function like an iPhone with icons and smooth scrolling because the BlackBerry never did.

This also explains why Microsoft took so long to get to the competition with Windows Phone, along with BlackBerry and their QNX phone currently; they're doing it from the ground up and doing it right. Building the OS from the ground up and (although it might suck for open source fans) a closed ecosystem, they handle the graphics the right away instead of building on top of something like Java.

In the end, Microsoft still has to catch up with features and bug fixes, but the attention it has picked up from people and the media (the positive reviews anyway) in only a year's time points to a lot of potential....as long as Microsoft doesn't screw up. I'm a little worried because of the fact they went with the name "Windows Phone" and whenever I try to sell a Windows Phone or show it to people they cringe because of the name and are reminded of Windows Mobile.
I have also come across this false idea that with the name Microsoft comes a huge bundle of issues and badly made software. It is defiantly something that people need to remove from their heads. I work in a college that is entirely apple mac. Don't get me wrong, they are great machines, but I do not understand how people get so excited about Apple Products. Great they may be but over priced.

This microsoft branding must be let go!
I have also come across this false idea that with the name Microsoft comes a huge bundle of issues and badly made software. It is defiantly something that people need to remove from their heads. I work in a college that is entirely apple mac. Don't get me wrong, they are great machines, but I do not understand how people get so excited about Apple Products. Great they may be but over priced.

This microsoft branding must be let go!

Prior to my ever see a WP7 phone I will have to say I was one of the people that assumed it was the same as the ever so troubled WinMo. Also the stigma that Microsoft is stuffy vs the trendy Apple products doesn't help for marketing. Mac is the new wave of personal computers. Some how, Apple managed to convince consumers that they need a machine of that price, when in reality they don't. I have a Mac and I see it justified as I do music recording and audio editing, which I tested against a PC and it worked far better than he PC. But that is me, a part of a small percentage of sonsumers who push a machine to it's limits.

The average consumer checks email, looks at youtube, som ephotos from vacation and chats with friends. They probably feel that having a $1200 machine will make all youtube load faster, pictures look better or get emails more promptly. I figure this because of my career. I am a PC tech. I get all these questions all the time. People actually believe things like this. WHen they ask me what computer they should buy, they always inquire about Macs. Then I ask them what they intend on using the machine for? WHen they web browsing I convince them to buy a PC. No need to spend 2 times the prince for the same internet.

But that being said, people like the Mac "ecosystem" how ever it works. They see the trendy Mac and figure the trendy iPhone is one in the same. It's a name easily identifiable and regonizable. Think of it almost like a car. I see a bunch of people driving a Toyota Camry (for example) I will think to myself: the Camry has to have something good. Every one has one" and the preconceived notion that the Camry is better than a Subaru is already engrained in the mind until someone shows we/me/us otherwise.

I blame the slow take off of WP7 on horrible marketing. MS needs to shoe people what these devices are and AREN'T. I believe they need to take a aproach of not mentioning the compitition. That just allows the compitition to further market. It was once believe that to mention a name of someone is to give them power. The power of existance. That's why I hate reading articles compairing phones because they always compair to another platform. That just continues to fluff up the platform you are not reporting on.

Also, to compair to another phone, whether Android or iPhone, is almost a pissing contest. Instead of saying my daddy can beat up your daddy, tell people that it can beat up ALL daddys. See the difference?

This of course, is just my horrible few on things.
The average consumer checks email, looks at youtube, som ephotos from vacation and chats with friends. They probably feel that having a $1200 machine will make all youtube load faster, pictures look better or get emails more promptly. I figure this because of my career. I am a PC tech. I get all these questions all the time. People actually believe things like this. WHen they ask me what computer they should buy, they always inquire about Macs. Then I ask them what they intend on using the machine for? WHen they web browsing I convince them to buy a PC. No need to spend 2 times the prince for the same internet.

I blame the slow take off of WP7 on horrible marketing. MS needs to shoe people what these devices are and AREN'T. I believe they need to take a aproach of not mentioning the competition.

Some great points in there. I think that WP7 will start to take off now Nokia is taking them on. I think this will have a huge impact on the sale of WP. Nokia is such a huge hardware seller. I love Nokia hardware. Depending on the new phones out when I upgrade I will defiantly look at Nokia for the hardware
Prior to my ever see a WP7 phone I will have to say I was one of the people that assumed it was the same as the ever so troubled WinMo. Also the stigma that Microsoft is stuffy vs the trendy Apple products doesn't help for marketing. Mac is the new wave of personal computers. Some how, Apple managed to convince consumers that they need a machine of that price, when in reality they don't. I have a Mac and I see it justified as I do music recording and audio editing, which I tested against a PC and it worked far better than he PC. But that is me, a part of a small percentage of sonsumers who push a machine to it's limits.

The average consumer checks email, looks at youtube, som ephotos from vacation and chats with friends. They probably feel that having a $1200 machine will make all youtube load faster, pictures look better or get emails more promptly. I figure this because of my career. I am a PC tech. I get all these questions all the time. People actually believe things like this. WHen they ask me what computer they should buy, they always inquire about Macs. Then I ask them what they intend on using the machine for? WHen they web browsing I convince them to buy a PC. No need to spend 2 times the prince for the same internet.

But that being said, people like the Mac "ecosystem" how ever it works. They see the trendy Mac and figure the trendy iPhone is one in the same. It's a name easily identifiable and regonizable. Think of it almost like a car. I see a bunch of people driving a Toyota Camry (for example) I will think to myself: the Camry has to have something good. Every one has one" and the preconceived notion that the Camry is better than a Subaru is already engrained in the mind until someone shows we/me/us otherwise.

I blame the slow take off of WP7 on horrible marketing. MS needs to shoe people what these devices are and AREN'T. I believe they need to take a aproach of not mentioning the compitition. That just allows the compitition to further market. It was once believe that to mention a name of someone is to give them power. The power of existance. That's why I hate reading articles compairing phones because they always compair to another platform. That just continues to fluff up the platform you are not reporting on.

Also, to compair to another phone, whether Android or iPhone, is almost a pissing contest. Instead of saying my daddy can beat up your daddy, tell people that it can beat up ALL daddys. See the difference?

This of course, is just my horrible few on things.

while I definitely agree with what you're saying, does ANYONE think a Toyota is better than a Subaru? Lol

while I definitely agree with what you're saying, does ANYONE think a Toyota is better than a Subaru? Lol


I LOVE Subaru. Always wanted a WRX but I got a Jeep Cherokee instead. Drive that puppy on the beach but if I ever move back into the city I am trading my truck in for a Subaru. No need for an 8 cylinder truck in a city.
i always had a feeling were Microsoft start late in the game but when they start at the end of the day the result is awesome = top 1 in the market :cool:

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