Whilst as a past Media Centre lover I'd love this, there really is no point. Such a market requires long term commitment as people expect TV and associated devices to last even longer than computing devices. And we all know Microsoft's flaky approach. So who would buy in to that without seeing many years of commitment from MS first? It is clear MS are retrenching from the consumer space so this kind of thing is wishful thinking. Perhaps, once they've found a buyer for the Xbox business, the new owners will consider this kind of thing and branch out. It is clearly a grand idea for an under TV device like Xbox. I've always wished MS's TV app had followed a more Netflix like model. We can only home MS find a really forward thinking company to take on their remaining consumer devices rather than just letting them slide, but no chance of them going the full consumer route on TV now they are closing their streaming services. Wish it were otherwise, but no hope.