This morning, Microsoft announced that Cortana would be jumping ship to Android and iOS as separate apps installable through their respective stores. The news is far from surprising due to past rumors, hints from Microsoft and precedent in porting over previously exclusive Windows Phone features.
For Windows Phone users, many may still be shocked at the idea. I would argue if you are astonished by this, you should be paying more attention to the news. Microsoft for the last year has been offering all of their services from OneDrive, Office, Bing, Outlook, Garage apps, Xbox games, Microsoft Band (Health), and even their MSN apps to other platforms. Did you really thing Cortana would be off limits?
The thing is Microsoft's strategy of being completely open is fantastic for all consumers. However, it also benefits them as a company. Here are a few reasons why Cortana being on an iPhone is welcome news.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...